Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I'm still not medicated but my SAD has finally fucked off and I'm feeling much better lol. I've cooked every day this week, made a 6 pack of big chicken titties on Wednesday and have been using that for making stuff. I cooked 4 times yesterday, the kids got up too late for me to cook them breakfast today but I made them bacon egg and cheese sandwiches when they got home, then realized I was hungry too lol

Gotta take #3 to class and then I can come home and clean the kitchen back up and find some other stuff to do. Several blooms on the blanket flowers now and the lance leaved Coreopsis has started opening now too!
I just load the 90 micron bags with ~4g bud and pack with my finger then fold into a barrel and press.

Got a fire started got a keep an eye on it to make sure it burns as hot as it can.

This one always reminds me of our very own dear Auntie @Mossy......

...........bcoz she likes Queen ofc..................... :muahaha: :thanks:

Glad no-one was in here to read that and I think Auntie is away..........haha!.....
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