Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I was only askin cuz just my aunts tax lady/ family friend is here and it's the time of year when Misericordia is doin there collections and she was like "Wtf u mean u don't!?!?" N i was just like damn idk i never thought about it, i always just skip that part cuz its more math to do

So the wife does ours online.. But when we got married and bought the house everyone told us we needed to go to a accountant and file long form to claim/itemize everything so we did.. The accountant lady stoped the meeting after a few minutes and said look you don’t have nearly enough to write off to make a difference and that we were better off doing them ourselves and saving the money we would have paid her.. We just file the easiest way and since the tax laws have changed we actually do ok for taxes for not having any kids..
Just go by after dark and leave them a present! If they were up early bitching at u then u know they go to bed early too!

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Their hose spigot is hooked up wrong, if i twist it with a wrench from the outside i could flood the basement, not that I've already thought about it
Goodmorning! :pass::smokeout:
Day 33, some yellowing toward the bottom of the plant. She does seem to be sensitive to nitrogen like others have said cause the tips of the new growth didn't burn but has a lighter color since I fed her last week. The branches aren't as bendy and I'm starting to see pre flowers. Am I good to introduce bloom + bloom booster next watering or what do you guys think?

*Just to note I have not given her any cal mag yet. Just tap water and recharge every 7-10 days till last week, I fed her grow twice. I know cal mag is carcinogenic and not to add late in flower but I'm not sure when to use cal mag when using FFOF, a lot of conflicting information online for a noob.

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