Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I'm cornfuzzed! :face:
It's Sunday and I'm watching Wednesday on the Adam's Family show. I'm confuzzed at what I should be laughing more at, the silly antics or the characters or the use of the same god-damn canned laughter that was used by many tv shows in the 60s!
Steak, potatoes, broccoli and crescent rolls around here tonight
Had to buy another fan and filter setup today to make a dry box/tent. Should be here wed. Never needed a filter for drying before, but my whole neighborhood smells like weed. Chopped just the tops off a granite haze from @derek420colorado yesterday and it's real loud. No berries or fruit smells at all, just straight up obvious weed everywhere :shooty::headbang:
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