Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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This morning’s salad….View attachment 1609116
That theres a strange looking chicken! :rofl:

The last supper.....

More like the thing that’s gonna help me live….. I got my blood work done after doing the recommended renal diet, and it fucking tanked not only my kidney function, but a few other things went the wrong way as well. Decided to stop taking my FAT nutritionists advice and start figuring some shit out myself. Looked at a lot of options, and landed on keto….and quickly switched to full carnivore.

First thing I noticed was a drastic reduction in pain… pretty sure the renal diet is pro inflammatory. All my issues increased over those few months….mental health included.

Been trying this out, again ( been on a form of this in the past…but not strict) for over a week now….it’s still early, but I have been feeling about 1000x better. Plus, my kidney pain stopped. The last week I was on the other diet, it felt like I was wearing one of those WWF wrestling belts, but mine was made of pain. Gone. Protein in my urine….gone. Blood in my urine, gone. Interesting for sure…. I’m giving this until the 25th of September….then I’ll make a decision on weather this is how I eat from here on out. I’ll get labs done too. If the way I’ve been feeling is any indication…..I’m sticking with it.
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More like the thing that’s gonna help me live….. I got my blood work done after doing the recommended renal diet, and it fucking tanked not only my kidney function, but a few other things went the wrong way as well. Decided to stop taking my FAT nutritionists advice and start figuring some shit out myself. Looked at a lot of options, and landed on keto….and quickly switched to full carnivore.

First thing I noticed was a drastic reduction in pain… pretty sure the renal diet is pro inflammatory. All my issues increased over those few months….mental health included.

Been trying this out, again ( been on a form of this in the past…but not strict) for over a week now….it’s still early, but I have been feeling about 1000x better. Plus, my kidney pain stopped. The last week I was on the other diet, it felt like I was wearing one of those WWF wrestling belts, but mine was made of pain. Gone. Protein in my urine….gone. Interesting for sure…. I’m giving this until the 25th of September….then I’ll make a decision on weather this is how I eat from here on out. I’ll get labs done too. If the way I’ve been feeling is any indication…..I’m sticking with it.
One thing I've learned is that not everyone with a fancy plaque on the wall actually deserves to bear the title. Most Docs have one thing in mind....which is selling Pharmaceuticals for big Pharma for the kickback. It's all a money game these days.

Most fish meat has an antiinflammatory effect on the human body. Test it out my friend, it may help you improve.

I sure hope you begin feeling better...Sometimes it's best to take it all into your own hands, as you know you better than anyone.

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