Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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You have too much on that circuit

how many BTU? a rough estimate is 5 amp for 5000 btu.. Same for lights 500 watts= 5 amps so there is 75% load on a 15 amp breaker anything more on it is pushing the limits when stuff turns on it draws more typically:thumbsup:
I know I got to figure this out....
@InkAddict$ Remember also you are taking advice from stoners on wiring your house :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::baked:IMO from what I've seen of your knowledge of electricity you should really find a qualified electrician to get in there.. Any sparky electrician friends?
I will
Closer to 4 Amigro. And it's best to reserve double that for each on the breaker.
Touché figures one of you would correct me better to round up with that so yeah I agree to be on the safe side 50 % is good from what i read and seen 75-80% load is "code":shrug::baked:
I think the 70, 90, and 120 are the best but best wait for some experts or search yourself I've only done it once and dabbed a lot since :baked:
Suppose I should have mentioned, using it to make hash butter for edibles, so I think that may actually start with a higher micron
They also say keep temperatures between 59-69F, but at the same time say to keep them between 64-75F. What is your reccomended tempeature and humidity for drying and curing @420Forever ?

60/60 is pretty close to ideal. A little up or down from that is ok. Lots of other factors to influence that as well. Size of the plants, how much you need to dry, how big your drying area is, airflow, etc.... Drying is definitely the trickiest part. I still struggle with it and with knowing when it's dry enough to bag or jar.

How are you going to store and cure your dried product at the end? Are you planning on the old standby of Mason Jars? A lot of people here have converted to using Grove Bags. They are a special polymer that maintains humidity levels and keeps your stuff in prime condition. Long term storage is possible if you heat seal the bags too. I tend to put a hygrometer and Boveda packs in my Grove bags as I still don't trust myself to get it right. Easy reassurance with both of those in there.

As for when it's dry enough?

@Mañ'O'Green recommends using a wood moisture meter to tell when the buds are dry enough to get bagged up. I can't remember which one or which % he says is correct. I expect he will chime in later. (Pro grower there and very knowledgable. )
Suppose I should have mentioned, using it to make hash butter for edibles, so I think that may actually start with a higher micron

All of it? that's going to be some potent butter with some quality material in there.. I'd be saving some the primo stuff for hash to smoke or press :eyebrows::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
recommends using a wood moisture meter to tell when the buds are dry enough to get bagged up. I can't remember which one or which % he says is correct. I expect he will chime in later. (Pro grower there and very knowledgable. )

I shoot for 11-15% on wood moisture meter:d5:
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