Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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2701 PAGEZ, WOOT! :yay: which now makez for a new 2nd place record! :bravo: and well, sumhow, i don't think u guyz are gonna scrape up another 306 pagez in jus 5.5 more dayz for a new all-time high, buuuut, stranger thingz have indeed happened, so :goodluck: and by all meanz -> keep on yakkin kidz! :yay1: ppp
I vote use all 3 at the same time! ;) :rofl:
That exactly what i did i put them all in the bucket with holes for think there was 5 of 7 bags then dumped the ice water hash mix in then lifted each bag out and rinsed in the bucket then collected and separated
It's tripping like crazy...I just started up my other 2 tents no issue on that soon as I plug a extra ac unit in blows
Sounds like u need to talk the wifey into a mini split! Much more efficient then window units but more costly! And they will make heat in winter if need be!
Sounds like u need to talk the wifey into a mini split! Much more efficient then window units but more costly! And they will make heat in winter if need be!
I got one window and 2 role arounds
Mephisto Genetics Walter White BX1 Tester
Day 44


It's tripping like crazy...I just started up my other 2 tents no issue on that soon as I plug a extra ac unit in blows
You have too much on that circuit
I got one window and 2 role arounds
how many BTU? a rough estimate is 5 amp for 5000 btu.. Same for lights 500 watts= 5 amps so there is 75% load on a 15 amp breaker anything more on it is pushing the limits when stuff turns on it draws more typically:thumbsup:
@InkAddict$ Remember also you are taking advice from stoners on wiring your house :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::baked:IMO from what I've seen of your knowledge of electricity you should really find a qualified electrician to get in there.. Any sparky electrician friends?
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