Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Peeps, Reese's eggs and jelly beans :joy:
Yeah jelly beans are good too and reese's a given no matter the holiday :drool::crying:
Amazon delivered my AC Infinity Cloudline T4 4ā€ fan and 69 Controller and wifi control yesterday. Girls will be taking their nap from 3PM-9PM so Iā€™ll move them out then and replace the fans and do some other things too. This is going to make taking care of them so much easier. First the fan wonā€™t just run by itself when ever it wants and being able to monitor the tent from anywhere along with being able to control my humidifier by WiFi as well. Sent Spider-Farmer a video showing the fan running while the controller fan speed show 0.
Thanks for the rep @Mossy and thanks for all the likes. Decided I needed some more AC Infinite stuff so I ordered the ac outlet for my lights like someone suggested and did a pre-order on the CloudForge T3 4.5 L humidifier. Wonā€™t ship until the 15th of May. If anyone is interested they are currently $49.99 which is $10.00 off unfortunately shipping was $16.00+. This should hopefully give me all the control I need. Iā€™ll have all 4 ports filled.
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