Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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You ever watch the bare knuckle @Fermented_Fruitz
Day 36
The EBjr girls are looking good so far the healthiest run of soil definitely digging the EBjr's just need to get the watering down early on... They're rez was dry yesterday but wanted to wait a day before filling again going to fill it back up tonight with plain RO/tap blend <100ppm... Haven't done anything else in here I need to check lighting might need to turn it up a little and give DG a booster seat she little bit short then the others on cruise control otherwise:cooldance::pop:



Mephisto Double Grape


Mephisto Walter White



Night Owl Outlier Z


U know u hear shit about dry cycles with the rez on those but i will tell u i had my best results just filling it when it got low but never letting it go empty! Once i started trying to mess with dry cycles i had issues and smaller plants! This was literally first plant ever in a junior!

U know u hear shit about dry cycles with the rez on those but i will tell u i had my best results just filling it when it got low but never letting it go empty! Once i started trying to mess with dry cycles i had issues and smaller plants! This was literally first plant ever in a junior!

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:what?: I think I was overwatering early on maybe too much light also.. At least think that was my issue probably should be fine now :shrug:
Also Dale this was the main top!

I put velcro tape along front of box and wrapped tape around the end of main top and just pulled it over sideways into a horseshoe lil each day! Made side branches go crazy AF and u can see (maybe u can) all the spots i had to supercrop and tie up with plant yo-yos!
:what?: I think I was overwatering early on maybe too much light also.. At least think that was my issue probably should be fine now :shrug:
I also got lil rootmaker cubes i would start plants in! Give em 7-10 days and will be big enough that plants can feed off reservoir day 1 once u plant the rootmaker cube!
I know i dont know why anything is named what it nothing really makes since if you think about it....
Yeah….like, you ever wonder…..who the fuck named it an “elephant”, and why? :shrug: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have the exact same question about gazelles, cheetahs, penguins, horses, dogs, gir…ah, hell. Let’s just stop asking so many damn questions :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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