Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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So cubes on slabs is a really viable way to grow monster photo plants but you need 10 foot ceilings to make this work to it's potential. What you are doing is new..... go with it you may have the best new idea in growing. I love new ideas

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I'll have try this when I get my big grow room going some photos on a res and 5x5 tray......
T-t-tolleraance break @BCBudlady ......? this time of year.......

Haha, ya bad timing Auntie, but due for the annual once over with
my oncologist. Be two weeks without any THC on Tuesday. I can honestly say yes to healthy eating, daily exercising, no cannabis. A baseline assessment, then a nice bowl of hash to enjoy on the way home :) First time I’ve gone a single day without in more than 5 years. They say exercise moves THC from fat cells. A run this afternoon for a buzz of sorts.
Whew! So much fun! and other stuff. Throughout that episode, this song kept going through my head. Fortunately, I really like Janis Joplin's vocals so it could have been much worse. There's just a bit of assholery in posting this as I kinda hope it becomes someone else's earworm.

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