Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Good morning/afternoon L-S!! :bighug:
Anybody know what bug this is? Put old medium into the flower tent to acclimate. Woke up to these effers flying and crawling
Yup...same here .....dogs neeeds come first............. :pass: according to the dog that Nags.......
Yup...they got their goodies, Front roses got an additional watering and maint. clipping, got myself ready to go shopping cause wife takes forever in the bathroom, sit down to a glass of tea and get informed she doesn't really feel like going now.....thanks dear, couldn't have let me know while I was still in my home clothes ( shorts, tank, flops), had to wait till I was dressed in jeans, Tshirt, socks and sneaks.....
U know a nightlight equals plant testicles right?
Nope. Never had that problem. The nightlight on a timer allows me to keep them in veg until the natural light cycle coincides with flowering. It also provides the plants a seamless transition into flowering.
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