Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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Girls are doing great. :joy:

From left to right it’s Banana Daddy, Sour Diesel, Mandarin Cookies v2, The Great.:pass:
not ironed anything in years,,,stretch on hanger ,,good enough :smoking:

They just come out of the tumble dryer............cotton here creases to chuff.............:biggrin: ....

If hubby has a shirt that is Creased badly I say to him...wear it...they'll Think you are a Tourist who doesn't know how to pack a suitcase.....:crying:
No, tagged you have 2 just saying hello Auntie here ya go again
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So damn cute!!!!! My old friend had a brown female, first one I had ever seen. Damn, that was one smart dog. She was very eager to learn different things.
Your pup pics have sure been getting me thinking about getting a dog. The last dog I had any dealing with, was when I took a friend to a shelter to pick out one to save. She was on very hard times, so I offered her a place to live to give her a chance to get her back on her feet. She needed something to get her mind off her troubles, it wasn't gonna be me. LOL! A pup was the answer! She found a little dog, that was my only stipulation, it had to be a small dog. It was some poodle mix. She wasn't sold on the dog. As she was playing with the dog, a very enthusiastic bark caught my ears. It was a young Mini Pin marked up nice. As soon as the little booger saw he caught my eye, he started putting on a show. He's bark a bit and then cock his head, like he was waiting for me to reply. When I didn't say anything, he barked a bit more, spun around a few times, barked one time and then cocked his head again............all the time not breaking his stare at me.
The little girl helping us got him out for me. He was happy as hell.......not the crazy small dog hyper happy......just tail wagging and licking. When he finished putting on the show, he sat his butt down, let out one tiny bark and cocked his head. He's saying, "Ok, did I make the cut? Am I cute enough?"
Well, he did make the cut! LOL! The little fugger liked m friend a lot, but the little sucka loved me! LOL! When she would let him outta her room, he'd run around the house to find me. He'd find me and he had to give me some love. I'd have to tell him to go see his Momma before he'd leave me. LOL!
She found something that she thought would work out, but it didn't and it turned bad. She ended up in a shelter and eventually had to give up the dog. Too bad she was 1500 miles away or I would have picked him up.
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