Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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Saturday? Isn't it Monday? Sure you're not gonna end up with 2 new lights? :woohoo: Pretty sure the only things my wife and I lie to each other about are presents :smoking:
Oh God lol I'd be shocked for sure. He can't keep a secret if his life depends on it, and also his email comes to my phone so he would have had to make a new email account and all that. Plus he would have had to have me move money into his account :rofl: apparently my gift is an "experience" and from what he's said it sounds like a spa day/massage sort of deal. I'm not complaining, cause now I get a present *and* a new light.
Spa day ain't a bad gig either :woohoo1:personally, I've had enough of the surprise part of gifts screwed up that I normally buy a prepaid card with cash and use that for gifts, and have them sent to a friend's house. Wife spots the transactions immediately so can't use the bank card. And the kids last birthday I got him an oculus from best buy and it didn't even come in another box. Like full on oculus quest box with an address sticker on it sitting on the sidewalk when he got home from school. So at this point in my life the sketchiest things I have to do is buy gifts, and it's a great thing and it took way too long for me to get to it :vibe:
Be sure to vote! These guys put a lot of work in on these girls!

It was a tough decision there are so many great plants - hell just growing any plant in a solo cup is a job well done.

Oh God lol I'd be shocked for sure. He can't keep a secret if his life depends on it, and also his email comes to my phone so he would have had to make a new email account and all that. Plus he would have had to have me move money into his account :rofl: apparently my gift is an "experience" and from what he's said it sounds like a spa day/massage sort of deal. I'm not complaining, cause now I get a present *and* a new light.

I only found out about the pleasure of a pedicure a few years ago. A Spa day is a great gift.
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