Good morning stoners. how bee you this morning?
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What a way to start the day, with a beautiful woman showing us her boob-bees

I hope she doesn't come out in hives.....Badum-tish
What do bees use to brush their hair........ Honey combs
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Two bees or not two bees that is the question?...............definitely two bees and not a sling or arrow in sight!
Seeing as I'm quoting Bill shakespeare, I couln't let this one go & yup nothing to do with bees!
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Now is the winter of our disco tent.
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Why would you,I mean reaaallly why would you??? I would at least, be wanting to be wearing a cricket box!!
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No not that sort of cricket box!

one that is use to protect your family jewels!
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Yes this type of cricket box but not worn like this, I imagine the odor is a little off putting

Eau de sweaty nads and tadger!!
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Sod that for a game of soldiers, there's no where to run & no where to hide!
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Bee Police have reported a number of honey robberies in the area. They plan to set up a honey trap to catch the thieves, if that fail the say they will resort to a sting operation. In the mean time they are combing the area for clues. Anyone helping apprehend the culprits will be rewarded with points on their nectar card!
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Some say this is an old style bee house but I'm Skep-tical about that (some inside knowledge needed here)!
Q:what do baby bees sleep in?
(some inside knowledge needed here)!