Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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Also, its absolutely wild how many people want to stop and chat when you're outside working on stuff. Probably could have been done in half the time but I had no less than half a dozen people stop to tell me how much they liked what I'd done with the other bed and to ask about what I was doing with that space. One guy was like "I thought I was the only one crazy enough to attempt doing something like that!" Told me that he was planning on doing something similar with black rocks but that he wasn't planning on really putting anything but rocks in lol. Also funny how since I've started making drastic changes out front I've started to see other people completely redoing their beds as well lmao. No idea if its coincidence or if I've started a trend but either way its funny to me. Now it's time for me to get stoned af cause now that I've sat down I've realized my body is hurting :rofl:
Also, its absolutely wild how many people want to stop and chat when you're outside working on stuff. Probably could have been done in half the time but I had no less than half a dozen people stop to tell me how much they liked what I'd done with the other bed and to ask about what I was doing with that space. One guy was like "I thought I was the only one crazy enough to attempt doing something like that!" Told me that he was planning on doing something similar with black rocks but that he wasn't planning on really putting anything but rocks in lol. Also funny how since I've started making drastic changes out front I've started to see other people completely redoing their beds as well lmao. No idea if its coincidence or if I've started a trend but either way its funny to me. Now it's time for me to get stoned af cause now that I've sat down I've realized my body is hurting :rofl:
gotta keep up with the Joneses :rofl: The only time I ever really talk to my neighbors is when doing yard improvements, shoveling snow or power outages. I had to rent a machine to dig out some dead bushes along my property line by the road this week and I'm pretty sure every person on my street stopped to bother me with some bs small talk
gotta keep up with the Joneses :rofl: The only time I ever really talk to my neighbors is when doing yard improvements, shoveling snow or power outages. I had to rent a machine to dig out some dead bushes along my property line by the road this week and I'm pretty sure every person on my street stopped to bother me with some bs small talk
Yall are pretty much my only non familial social outlet lol so I don't mind the interactions, just sucks that it adds so much time to getting things done. Especially since it feels rude to keep digging when someone is trying to talk to you or whatever lol. I suppose it did force me to take breaks instead of hyperfocusing for several hours straight at least.
I've never even talked to any of these people prior to the last week or two besides the elderly lady directly next to us on one side and the couple with the little boy #3 plays with directly next to us on the other side :rofl: we have all of hubby's cactuses (yes that *is* correct, cacti is multiple of the same variety while cactuses is for multiple varieties) out front now as we need to do some surgery/propagation from some of the damaged san pedros and they all need root pruned and their soil refreshed and most of them will be getting their babies planted in the sandy rock garden portion of the side bed. One lady stopped and was asking about them, the San Pedros are all taller than me now (2 of the three are cuttings we took from the main mother a few years back when we had to remove some frost damage) and they definitely command attention. Apparently she's the mother of someone who lives on our street and she's over there all the time. Told her I'd hold back a baby for her and she pointed out her son's house and was like "you can just leave it on his porch if you'd like, I'll let them know if a random cactus appears it's for me!" Its definitely an interesting experience and a stark contrast to the apartment complex we moved from last year after 3 years of living there. No one ever spoke to anyone else ever lol. Suburbia is weird. Which is funny to say cause I grew up in this neighborhood but after a decade plus of renting its very very different.
I've never even talked to any of these people prior to the last week or two besides the elderly lady directly next to us on one side and the couple with the little boy #3 plays with directly next to us on the other side :rofl: we have all of hubby's cactuses (yes that *is* correct, cacti is multiple of the same variety while cactuses is for multiple varieties) out front now as we need to do some surgery/propagation from some of the damaged san pedros and they all need root pruned and their soil refreshed and most of them will be getting their babies planted in the sandy rock garden portion of the side bed. One lady stopped and was asking about them, the San Pedros are all taller than me now (2 of the three are cuttings we took from the main mother a few years back when we had to remove some frost damage) and they definitely command attention. Apparently she's the mother of someone who lives on our street and she's over there all the time. Told her I'd hold back a baby for her and she pointed out her son's house and was like "you can just leave it on his porch if you'd like, I'll let them know if a random cactus appears it's for me!" Its definitely an interesting experience and a stark contrast to the apartment complex we moved from last year after 3 years of living there. No one ever spoke to anyone else ever lol. Suburbia is weird. Which is funny to say cause I grew up in this neighborhood but after a decade plus of renting its very very different.
Passing out psychedelic cactus cuttings to the neighborhood…..I like your style :eyebrows:
Its a LOT of work though! Not as obnoxiously complicated as growing mushies but still quite a process and tbh I'm lazy af :rofl:
Now you just need to plant some blue morning glories, and some elephant creeper….have a nice start to a psychedelic garden that would make Terrance Mckenna proud lol
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