I had
several NECs, Navy Enlisted codes. My rate was MachinistMate( has nothing to do with lathes or machining LOL! You could call it an enlisted mechanical engineer) for the majority of my time and a Navy Dives for a period of time. My time as a diver and one assignment is when I got hurt. After my rehab of a year and a half, I went back to my 'normal' job.
My last orders were based on my NEC of Advanced Steam Plant Maintenance. Silly XO of the Aircraft carrier gave me A-gang(All other engineering spaces and equipment other than propulsion) to be the Chief. In the end, it didn't matter. I put in 6 months of VERY hard work, especially for an E-7, to get all the equipment ready for change of port and deployment. The medical officer booted me off because of my old injuries.
I wanted to stay in. but this Medical officer had pull in DC. That was the ONLY time the Navy said no to me. I guess because I never took the easy assignments. I was pissed because I was so spoiled. LOL!