Best laid plans of mice and men...........Jesus!

try to take a productive break from detailing my truck and start my spring scalping of my lawn. I start my zero-turn mower to warm it up. It starts to stumble, running rough, smoke and then dies. I pull the plugs and their wet. Damn stuck float!!!!!! 100hrs on the clock with always quality fuel and Stabil additive because of the stupid ethanol. No big deal to clean and rebuild..............but wait! It's in front of the bay that I need to move my Mustang that's sitting in my race trailer. But I need to do this before I sell my other running vehicle to move it later. Even with the hydro disconnected, dat biotch is heavy and hard to move and STEER! Can't put the car in the other front bay without rearranging a bunch of things and the rear entrance is not gonna happen!
It's nothing that can't be overcome. It's just that "stupid needless crap" irritates me more than anything else. Ethanol belongs in a barrel, glass or your belly, not in a damn fuel tank................................unless it's E100 in a twin turbo car on the street.