Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '21

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Drinking my canna coffee for a hopefully productive day. Pain management has been a bit of a problem to keep it down to a productive level.

Still no idea about the kittens. Maybe I sit on the back porch a bit after feeding this morning to see where she goes and listen fer da baby meows. careful family took in a feral stray kitten, bcoz they are kind...then the momma cat came too...looking bedraggled bcoz of the recent litter....fed her etc. etc......they now have 17 cats :doh:....but on the plus side...they don't have a problem with rats haha :cooldance:
....also, I decarbed 1g of mixed strain kief....then infused it into 50mg of MCT.....will it be strong or do I just drink the whole thing?....please thank you...
Me sons dog Loved cars.....he'd sit all day in one if he could.....

Me and hubby were coming back off a walk with him off the lead when he spotted a small gas fitters van with the back doors open...and he ran and jumped straight in....

The guy had been in the back of the van...he come out like shit off a shovel............white..............:yoinks::yoinks::yoinks:

He thought the dog was coming for him......he was a huge long haired GSD....I'da pooped as well.......... :crying: :crying: :crying:
So who's every one supporting this week end ? Personally am massive Liverpool fan YNWA family ties can't say any more I'll post a pic but I'll have to cover me face in it mite get a few of the lads on here excited I seen a few liver birds on here


  • B4KioJtCAAE4Ru1~2.jpeg
    204.7 KB · Views: 11 careful family took in a feral stray kitten, bcoz they are kind...then the momma cat came too...looking bedraggled bcoz of the recent litter....fed her etc. etc......they now have 17 cats :doh:....but on the plus side...they don't have a problem with rats haha :cooldance:
LOL! Not my first run with feral cats. I think the highest farm cat population was around 30+ one Spring.
I had no rodent or snake problem. I killed one adult and one baby copperheads and two rattlesnakes in 30yrs. For my area, that was VERY good. I figure it was mainly due to low rodent population. ALL rodents! The first Momma cat taught her litters how to hunt those damned gofers and moles! I with I had just one of those cats now with my new place. I've killed them off and then they invade from the surrounding property..
I'm kinda hoping for an interesting kitten that I can socialize well. The last cat I had, I gave to my Mom to help with stimulation. I put quite the effort into her training, well above what I'd done in the past. They both bonded well, with the cat switching well from me to my Mom. When Mom went to the hospital and then to hospice, it really screwed up the cat. She would meow and cry for her. Poor thing just gave up and refused to eat. I had to have her put down. I couldn't let her keep on suffering. I've seen dogs doing that after an owner dies, but never a cat.
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