Sweet Seeds Little Sweets

Sweet! Looking good so far Duggy...:smokebuds:
Cheers bro..not sure what sort of growth to expect in the little pots..:smokebuds:
Thanks swamp..hopefully they grow up to be big sweeties someday..:smokebuds:

They will Ma friend And once they set roots they go extremely fast bro
Good luck they get Sweet with Age
Starting to role now, think I'll pull up a chair...... :smokebuds:
Thanks swamp...goauto..:smokebuds:
Duggy i'm here homie:High 5: getting ready for Sweet seeds grow too ..but i'm here in the back seat of the class.....:stylez rasta smoke:
Glad to have you here CGR... I'll make some space at the front for you bro..:smokebuds:
A few pics of the 2 little Jack47s...:group:

12913 J1.jpg 12913 J2.jpg

12913 J3.jpg 12913 J4.jpg