Light upgrade advice for 2.3x2.3 tent?

R Wayne

Chi Cerca Trova
Cultivators Club
Oct 5, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Root Beer Float, ZaMango, Strawbba the Hutt, Jimmy Jacks, Invader Zam
Just like the post says, I'm looking to upgrade from my MH TS 1000. I have 2.3'x2.3' tent and just over 5' height. I've been eyeing the MH FCE 3000 and ChilLed Growcraft X3 Mini (less wattage but similar efficacy). Hoping to spend less then $300. I know AC infinity has also released some lights as well.
All thoughts and opinions are welcome.
I’ve been enjoying my marshydro FCe3000, I would definitely recommend it. Just starting a grow in a 3.3x3.3, I was able to center the autoCOB I have for later in flower to bump up intensity thought that was neat. If your 2.3x2.3 is short it’s low profile might be useful
FC-E3000 can fit your 2.3x2.3 tent well:biggrin:
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Question for you, if I order the FC-E3000 and it arrives on Friday. Could I replace the light in the middle of this grow? Day 54 all autos. So it would be day 57ish when I switch lights.
Just like the post says, I'm looking to upgrade from my MH TS 1000. I have 2.3'x2.3' tent and just over 5' height. I've been eyeing the MH FCE 3000 and ChilLed Growcraft X3 Mini (less wattage but similar efficacy). Hoping to spend less then $300. I know AC infinity has also released some lights as well.
All thoughts and opinions are welcome.
I was looking at the AC Infinity lights today. AC Infinity is moving aggressively into the small/home grower market. I've watched their product mix change over the past year and they're coming up with some innovative ideas. Their lights are on "the value end of the scale." I checked out their PPFD map and took a glimpse at the spectrum and that was enough.

MH is better product than Infinity. The infinity products have an advantage of working with their controllers but, looking over the product line, I see a lot more emphasis on design and marketing than on engineering. Bose comes to mind. Infinity also has a lot of products in "beta" (there's no such thing as "beta" in manufacturing - "beta" is a software term with a specific meaning that has no analog manufacturing) and that's one of the things that pushes me to believe that they are more design and marketing than engineering.

I've got an SP 3000 and I think it's a very good product for the price. I don't know about the FC/E line but the SP 3000 is a strong competitor against the X3 from Chilled. I've got one of those, too (I got it for just under $450 when it was on sale last summer so I couldn't say "no"). The Chilled products are in another price band and every aspect of the X3 is higher quality than the SP 3000. That's important because the X3 is almost double the price of the SP 3000.

If you've got a hard price ceiling, I'd go with the Mars. Their products are vastly improved compared to where they were 3 or 5 years ago and I think they're an excellent value today.

One other thing you might want to look into - The Micro Array is really something. I think it's to most uniform of any light reviewed on that site and it's well priced.

Just for G&G, check out the new X6 mini from Chilled. It's spendy but the PPFD map is a thing of beauty.
Question for you, if I order the FC-E3000 and it arrives on Friday. Could I replace the light in the middle of this grow? Day 54 all autos. So it would be day 57ish when I switch lights.
At any time the previous light can be replaced. And you can see the light schedule in the picture.
I have ts1000 on my 2x2, and a ts3000 in my 3x3(it will fit the 2x2)

I have this light in my other frow area Groplanner Can't beat $69

Are the more expensive lights better? Absolutely! Am I a good enough grower yet to see any difference? Absolutely NOT

A big factor is running costs. Look for high umol/J