Light upgrade advice for 2.3x2.3 tent?

@Marshydro I see you have leaf temperatures in your chart, I haven't seen anyone else reference this, what are you using to measure this?
Get a $20 IR thermometer, take readings from multiple spots on the canopy, and then get the average. VPD uses the concept of the "offset" between the ambient temp and the LST ("leaf surface temperature"). If the LST is higher than ambient, the offset is a positive value, if lower, it's a negative value.
I have ts1000 on my 2x2, and a ts3000 in my 3x3(it will fit the 2x2)

I have this light in my other frow area Groplanner Can't beat $69

Are the more expensive lights better? Absolutely! Am I a good enough grower yet to see any difference? Absolutely NOT

A big factor is running costs. Look for high umol/J
I also have this light its pretty sick 756 diodes far right and IR and very solid make from a industrial floodlight company it totally owns 2*2


Didn't mention it because you wanted to spend 300 dollars. Oh and they clip into each other to make bigger light(modular). There is a version with a dimmer (69 bucks) and IR controls 109