Lighting Light and Easy Basic CFL Info

Cool Beans, Thanks for the reply Noods. Yes it sounded like exactly what is means huh. I do have some dang beach umbrella sized leaves on the top of mine so maybe I can TUCK them. sweet. :peace:

tuck em / tie em / pull em together all will work perfectly fine.

just dont pull em off if you can prevent it. :thumbs:
Should I change 6500k to 2700k at first sign of sex? Day 25

Should I change 6500k to 2700k at first sign of sex? Day 25

Currently all 6 light are 6500k... I was planing on changing 5 of the 6 on day 40ish... but should I start now?
Hey TX, not yet. That plant looks really great! :thumbs: But still MUCH vegetative growth to come. You can keep the 6500k bulbs in there till she stops growing "up", or if you want to try to hinder that upward growth because of height restrictions in your grow area, you can start exchanging the bulbs, mixing them, gradually changing over a week, for instance. Although, ideal would be to keep the lights as they are till she has some real buds forming, really into flowering, then switch them all.
But damn, that sure is pretty...



when you say 125w is that the cfl watt or the other watt? I'm asking because I saw this today SYLVANIA 2-Pack 23-Watt (100W) Spiral Medium Base Daylight (6500K) CFL Bulbs and got confused
more often from the little Ive seen.When it sayd 125W CFL(I have the same thing) its refering to the current draw of the Bulb. you can look up Ohm's law of Faradays law.Thats a solid rule to learn on Electric currents/Amps and resistances.
DAANG those are some SWEET looking health girls man.DAANG!!! freakin perfect.LOL!!damn fine job dude!
I think what he meant was much more simpler, Dude. If it says on the package that you're buying a 23 w cfl, then that's what you get- 23w of cfl. Don't keep using the comparison to tungsten wattage that they always put on the packaging. It's just confusing and is very irrelevant. It's all about lumens.
So if I mentioned 125w, then I meant 125w of cfl lighting.

Here's a comparison to hps:

23w CFL = 1600 lumens = 69.6 lumens/watt
30w CFL = 2000 lumens = 66.7 lumens/watt
40w CFL = 2600 lumens = 66.3 lumens/watt

compared to

150w HPS = 14000 lumens = 93.3 lumens/watt
250w HPS = 28000 lumens = 112 lumens/watt
400w HPS = 50000 lumens = 125 lumens/watt
600w HPS = 90000 lumens = 150 lumens/watt

Hi noods,im using a 200w veg cfl at the mo and ive taken the reflector off and just hanging the bulb down in the middle of the grow, its a horizontal reflector,and i heard its better to use cfl's in the vertical....and im getting a hps setup soon so i dont want to get a parabolic reflector for it....should i put the reflector back on?you mention'd early'r in the thread that reflectors would benfit cfl the way putting it back on means putting it back on the horizontal.....i could bend down the part of the reflector the bulb fix's to but this would put the bulb at the side of the grow....i think its better off in the middle but i dont really no what im talking about man..... no biggy any way man seem's ok but always looking to get a lil bit more out of the way:thread: :clap::clap::clap:
Using the larger 200w CFL, and hanging it vertically over your plants is defeating the purpose.

See the pic? Lots of light wasted.

In this pic you see all that light hitting the plant. Add a reflector to the top and you'll reflect that light that's shooting up to the top of your tent -being wasted- back down to your plants.