Lighting Light and Easy Basic CFL Info

I just got 2 200 watt hydro farms ..what would be a good hood for it or any diy ones around?
Awesome thread! Helped me out a lot!
Glad you like it, GreenKnight! :smokebuds:

I just got 2 200 watt hydro farms ..what would be a good hood for it or any diy ones around?
Doobie, I just did a search, but couldn't find it again... I saw in some forum, (oh sheet, I think it was our forum! Whoever you were, please forgive me for forgetting who you were/are!) a guy cut a galvanized garbage can in half lengthwise and put a mylar (I think it was mylar) lining inside. So one end still had half of the "bottom" of the can, then he put a metal (aluminum?) bracket at the other end for stability. Holes in what now becomes the rounded top of the reflector, then hooked up the E40 sockets to both ends... Bingo!

I hope that made sense...:joint: But it seemed pretty "easy" the way he described it and from the pics that he showed.
Security note: Stoners please be careful around power tools and sharp metal edges and objects. :thumbs: :smokebuds:
TY Noods i get it ..i bought a piece of aluminum and found some reflective foil(wrapping paper)at the dollar store and its big enough to cover both lights ..but im thinking ill cut it in half so i can move the lights 1by1 for better results.But how far should i put them for veg to get a good stretch?
Sounds cool, Doobie. :thumbs:
You have to kind of play with it a little. I have mine -when I grow, I'm on stand-by right now:( - about 30cm above new seedlings, and after the first ~4 leaves are "fully" formed, I'll go down closer. That's just a guesstimation, mind. You have to watch and see what they do and go with it. If you think the node spacing is too close, not stretching enough for your taste, raise it up. If they get too stretchy, keep it a little closer. Keep in mind that there will be some considerable heat build-up from the bulbs' fixtures under the reflectors, even with ventilation holes in the top, so make sure you have some air blowing the heat away. After veg growth is stopped you can get the big bulbs in nice and tight, keeping the warmth that they give off in mind. And the little buggers will grow right into the lights and hurt themselves when they hit turbo mode, so be very mindful if you have them close.

If you're so inclined, you could even have one of the fixtures close to one set of plants, and the other fixture farther away with another set of plants and find your personal Goldilocks Zone that way. Just an idea...
OK ill play with it..ty for the advice..I plan to put them under my 2 ms006 for bloom and just veg in the cfl cab until i build my room, found some cheep press board to cover walls so ill have a 8feet by 7 foot space to grow . I need to hunt more lights ..should be ready when the new leds come out i hope..dam i need some money lol not even growing good yet and just thinking about spending more money i dont have LOL The tems are fine have AC and fan keeps cab at 75-78 I thought they would be hotter then they really are .:peace:
Sounds great! Happy Growing! :smokeit:
Growth seems to have slowed after putting them in the CFL only tent its about the same watts...prolly just have them too close.Do you do 18/6 for bloom and 20/4 for veg or 24 for veg?
Hello Noods,
I have a small grow cabinet approx. 1' x 1' square and 2' tall with 8 13watt cfl bulbs and I am having a lot of issues with the heat 90deg. F. I have 1 4" extraction dan and 1 4" desk fan. Do you have any suggestions to help cool it down?
... Do you do 18/6 for bloom and 20/4 for veg or 24 for veg?
Hi doobie, just seeing this, sorry. Yes, yes, and yes. LOL Depending on my mood at the time and what the breeder suggests. :thumbs:

Hello Noods,
I have a small grow cabinet approx. 1' x 1' square and 2' tall with 8 13watt cfl bulbs and I am having a lot of issues with the heat 90deg. F. I have 1 4" extraction dan and 1 4" desk fan. Do you have any suggestions to help cool it down?
Hi Texas! I had a small cab like that once too and I would get me some 2 liter bottles full of water and freeze them to put in the cab, in front of the intake fans so the air that was being pulled in would flow over and around the frozen bottle, cooling the air inside. Worked nice, but you have to be on top of it. I always had two or three in rotation- one or two in the cab and one or two in the freezer on call. The bottles would collect a lot of condensation and raise the humidity inside as well, which isn't bad during veg, but you wanna keep an eye on it during flowering.
Otherwise, just try to keep circulation good and lots of fresh air flowing. You might also consider an easy DIY CO² rig. There are lots of "How to's" on that all over the web.
Best of Luck to you and Happy Growing! :smokeit: