Lighting Light and Easy Basic CFL Info

Thanks Rob. :smokebuds: Somebody stole my damn pics, but I got 'em back! Ha! :finger:
Thanks for reply Noods. Don't sweat the timeframe, I'm just great full for a response.
I have had some dramas, had to pull the white widow helmet didn't come off seedling(ouch). Green poison is stunted with purple edged first leaves. Ak -49 growing on slowly. It does get hot in there, i have both lights on now and have had temps up to 32C.
Ok so I'm pretty sure I have a ph problem waiting for testing kit uppers and downers in post.
Hey to help with temps is there a major problem with leaving the cupboard door ajar? This will obviously allow some light to escape any major probs with that?
I've got photos hope they help. This was taken at day 5.
Also summer here humid and hot! I believe makes it a bit harder.


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Yes, by all means, leave the flap/door open if it's too hot and if the escaping light won't propose a stealth risk! If you're lighting schedule also has a dark period, you'll have to close the flaps/doors at lights out. High humidity is good for them little ones. With the flaps open, your RH will drop, so you'll have to compensate with some wet towels or containers filled with water or some other means to raise it again.
If you're having troubles, please start a thread in the ---> New Growers Forum <--- and let the masses help you along. I'll gladly help you set up a thread if you want- just say the word! :smokebuds:
Cool. Would be greatful for help with new thread. Cheers for that.
Stealth isn't a problem for escaping light, luckily I'm fairly isolated from nosey neighbours.
Just checked the Ak-49 looks happy enough, not large but I'm hopeful roots have grown and growth will transfer to the top of the plant.
Green poison still stunted going yellow, but has new growth. I'm gonna give some extra lovin to this one, I'm quite prepared to see it through for ill or good!! I'm sure a ph adjust will help.
Yesterday added four new 140mm pots direct planted from seed, white widow, ak-47, green poison, bubblelicious, all auto seeds care of Bonza.
I plan on just keeping the best three or four indoor and take any runts outdoors to fend for themselves. Sometimes the most neglected can make for the biggest surprises.
Noods my Man have u ever used to flood light LED BULBS I see some of them have great par levels on them and a few mixed in would help mm..
I would like to see how a good built cabinet with levels of blends with cfls like all over in the maybe like 10-15 a good box ...and a a good size CFP BLOOM on top ..
No Swamp, I haven't ever used any floodlights. Just big bulbs made for growing and the highest wattage "normal", smaller bulbs available in my area. (33w I think I saw some 40 watters too, but I'm not sure)
I got my LED running now with daylight CFLs on the sides. When they're well into flowering I'll exchange the Daylight bulbs for Red, if there's room for them...
Of course, I'm hoping for big, bushy babes that want to bust the tent open, leaving me no room for side lighting... ;)
instead of swapping spectrum from veg to flower would it be of an advantage to run both blue and red from day 1 ?
Advantageous would be all 6500k for veg and 2700k for flowering, but a mix of both from start to finish will work just fine, Krazy. :thumbs: