New Grower Lest see what yield I can get with 35$ total in material.

Thanx guys im proud of it for my 1st grow having to raise the lights every other day I will be upping the feeding by 1ml tomorrow as soon as she starts to flower ill switch to flower nutes and switch to 2700k cfl and red led combo she is definitely living up to her name my whole basement smells like her and the smell is starting to come upstairs I have to put a towel under the door and she hasent even started to flower yet
I tied her down again tonight more then the normal I've been doing she seems to be growing super fast so going to try this and see.

Just trying to get the most tops without topping her should I scrog her?
I usually let the tops you tied down grow out some, and when the main shoot stretches for apical dominance I'll tie it over changing the flow of hormones and all of those tied down girls will fight to be the main cola, allowing you to have multiple tops if you control them. Once they're all fighting for it let them stretch for the light as your plant isn't far from flower. You'll end up with multiple colas instead of one. Hope that made sense, I'm super stoned at the moment.

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I usually let the tops you tied down grow out some, and when the main shoot stretches for apical dominance I'll tie it over changing the flow of hormones and all of those tied down girls will fight to be the main cola, allowing you to have multiple tops if you control them. Once they're all fighting for it let them stretch for the light as your plant isn't far from flower. You'll end up with multiple colas instead of one. Hope that made sense, I'm super stoned at the moment.

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Makes sense to me, and I agree. I would bend that main cola over.