NEWS Legalization is Closer Than We Think, Hopefully

@Doug58 - I agree about the tax anything to increase revenue. They are definitely going to tax the dispensaries hard in states that are just getting legalization. Taxes v jail time, I think most people would rather pay.

I do have a bit about guns but would rather not bring too much politics into things here. Pretty cool and relaxed place. That said, if you need more than, and being extremely generous, 5 rounds for hunting, you need to go back to the range! I don't see mag limits restricting gun ownership.
@Doug58 - I agree about the tax anything to increase revenue. They are definitely going to tax the dispensaries hard in states that are just getting legalization. Taxes v jail time, I think most people would rather pay.

I do have a bit about guns but would rather not bring too much politics into things here. Pretty cool and relaxed place. That said, if you need more than, and being extremely generous, 5 rounds for hunting, you need to go back to the range! I don't see mag limits restricting gun ownership.

The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, and everything to do with self defense. If the government isn't restricted in the number of rounds their magazines hold, neither should the government's employers, namely we the people. My apologies for derailing the thread, but guns are life to me and mine.
I understand. Loads of interesting things I wish we could discuss but we should keep it to MJ politics in here shouldn't we? I opened that can of worms didn't I. Uff. Apologies y'all, I hope it doesn't continue and spiral.

(I've got my C&C so not against ownership at all.)
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I understand. Loads of interesting things I wish we could discuss but we should keep it to MJ politics in here shouldn't we? I opened that can of worms didn't I. Uff. Apologies y'all, I hope it doesn't continue and spiral.

(I've got my C&C so not against ownership at all.)
No worries, man, and apologies again; I never have been able to resist the urge to chime in whenever firearms are brought up. The devil's lettuce politics only henceforth.
The federal government placed a tax on Marihuana in 1937. What makes you think they wouldn't do so again? Biden wants to tax legally owned firearms and any magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds in his plan to make gun ownership impossible for anyone other than the rich. Politicians will tax anything in order to increase revenue for their own plans.
If I'm not mistaken,that tax on Marihuana in 1937 was some stupid legal BS to charge people with not paying taxes..

The other is pretty much as it's been stated by Biden and his people.
Well good thing they taxed Marihuana and not Marijuana or Cannabis. Federal definitions are very very specific. If it's spelled wrong, the law don't apply. At least in my experience in Federal Court with expensive attorneys. Hahahah, regular guy in county court for a J? Ah, man, you are screwed. $$ talks and $$$$$ walks. Sucks but it's always been that hasn't it?
Well good thing they taxed Marihuana and not Marijuana or Cannabis. Federal definitions are very very specific. If it's spelled wrong, the law don't apply. At least in my experience in Federal Court with expensive attorneys. Hahahah, regular guy in county court for a J? Ah, man, you are screwed. $$ talks and $$$$$ walks. Sucks but it's always been that hasn't it?
When Michigan legalized weed and began taxing it in 2018, I believe they used the marihuana spelling due to it being used in federal law. Or the citizen's petition used it to get it on the ballot due to that spelling being used in state laws which mirrored old federal laws.

Very interesting and potentially THE tipping point I think. The Koch brothers are behind legalizing it could happen. I think they have at least that many Republicans on the payroll.

We need 10 to 12 Republican senators,” Angelos said. “With Koch’s influence, I think that's likely a possibility.”