NEWS Legalization is Closer Than We Think, Hopefully

COME ON NEW YORK! You can do it cuomo, i know you can. Whos a good boy?
Ya, we have heard Cuomo promises for 2-3 yrs now, they gotta get it done.
Good people of AFN. :toke: Don't be so quick on the government legalizing cannabis. if they do it gives them MORE control. and more money.
not to mention the quality of the cannabis will go down hill.
Wont happen here either. bill.:smokeit: but think of the poor masses buying at shops.:yoinks::rofl:
I hope regs are kept to a minimum, mainly to ensure the safety of the product safe, let home grower's do their thing with the seeds they choose, and make it viable for the 'little guy' to get into the industry. Keep big pharma or huge canna companies outta my state.
We can hope!
Wont happen here either. bill.:smokeit: but think of the poor masses buying at shops.:yoinks::rofl:
Right paying a fricking arm and a leg. I have bought from a dispensary years back but wouldnt no more. Lol
I would bet, that once nationally legalized, and big industry actually steps in (tobacco pharma etc) home grows will be over (unless illegal) .
Letting us do our own thing in our own backyard is counterproductive to their goals, increased revenue for them.
Much more likely that once national, home grows are outlawed. RJ Reynolds will just buy a few politicians and have the laws made. Right now we are no threat, big tobacco won't touch the game till the illegal stigma has been removed. And... they'll do it saying it is for your own protection and benefit.
I have said it before, all you have to do is go to us patents office online, type in cannabinoid patents in search you will learn the truth. they pharma and government have been patenting individual cannabinoids for 12 years that i know of, maybe longer.
All I want to do is be able to legally smoke, grow, and possess it without fear of jail. If they do legalize it in nys it will prob be very heavily regulated. And the prices will be thru the roof, so I’ll still be illegal cuz I’ll be growing my own... who cares what Cuomo does cuz he’s promised for years! When he got re-elected this last time, promised to make a board to decide the benefits of legalization. Just this January he said the exact same thing, almost verbatim. So last election he did nothing... just saying words and making promises to get re-elected. I believe nothing that comes from his mouth and every new law that’s made in nys is created for the city. Not the rest of nys! Those of us above Albany suffer cuz some city dumbass was an idiot and now we have to make a law. Like gun control... 90% of people above Albany hunt, but we gotta make new gun control laws cuz some city idiot shoots up a school near the city.