The speed at which this ladies grow is crazy....i think a couple of my sick ones are out of the water now and are doing good. one got a little stretchy but thats ok. the mi5 and 1 of the sour60s are the only sad only right now and this is going to sound REALLY stupid but the lady i said earlier that wasn't even showing sex and i was thinking of killing....well i basiclly snaped the it in the middle like suppercrop but i over snaped her a little then i bandaged her up nicely. and its been 48 hours since i snapped and bandaged her up and the droopy sad leafes are all looking alot more lively and hairs have started showing up. So i think i'll keep her around and see what benifits i get form doing that to an almost dieing sick plant. my thinking is just like when you supercrop you create that knockle where food and water can past faster. well i was thinking it might super flush the plant out faster so i flushed shortly after the snap with few gallons of ph'ed water...now i know there is still a chance that this is just her final kick before dieing but i'd like to think i she is doing better because of that. who knows. well find out in a few weeks huh. I'll do a video in a few hours