Indoor Vapor's Ridiculous 15+ Auto Strains 5th Grow

Nice harvest SoH! Those "globs" are resin. I think I remember Nam80232 had the same thing happen with one of his plants and I saw where SS chimed in and said it is common with that strain.

That's a true story! Awesome harvest, your gonna love it!
Nice harvest SoH! Those "globs" are resin. I think I remember Nam80232 had the same thing happen with one of his plants and I saw where SS chimed in and said it is common with that strain.

That's a true story! Awesome harvest, your gonna love it!

Thanks for clearing that up A4 and Nam! There's not a ton of them; but I noticed on a few of the buds they have those globs. That's pretty crazy; I wonder what causes them to pool like that? Excited as crap regardless haha!

I'm just getting started; out of 22 plants; 19 flowered and that's just 3 down from 19. 16 plants left. Oof. That's gonna be a lot of pictures!

Some frosty stuff down there; loving these Grow More nutrients (although I need to dial them back; I'm going to stick to sniper's nute schedule on the next run.)

Thanks for looking and we'll see what comes next; those Red Poison's having been giving me the stink eye and well I just don't think I like their attitude! :xlaugh:
OH Sweet LOL Stuff must run on the same wave around here LOL I was jut looking at the same thing ..globs coming out the stems and all stickey on my Blue D haze ..Crazy LOL get enough to vape would be it a Crystal ball first vapeable MJ right off the plant LOL WOOT !"AFN smoke out"its 4:20..You luck my BC wasnt purp :(:slap:
Nice harvest SoH! Those "globs" are resin. I think I remember Nam80232 had the same thing happen with one of his plants and I saw where SS chimed in and said it is common with that strain.

ive had the "globs" on a Frost Dragon before. Unless yours are different, it comes from having a high brix (sugar) level in the plant. This usually appears on severely frosted plants. The globs arent much use for smoking but its the sweetest tasting "canna candy" you will ever have. Now the buds from that plant on the other hand...should be great tasting and pack a punch!

Congrats on the killer harvest SOH! :clap: Enjoy that sticky sweetness! :smoke:
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Harvest Pictures!!!

Auto Seeds Purple Cheese (day 69)

Congrats on the nice harvest bro :kusht:
Mini Update - Sweet Seeds Black Cream and Auto Seeds Purple Cheese dried bud pictures!

Sweet Seeds Black Cream

Here's the Black Cream after a few days of drying. It still had a good two days or so of drying left after these pics; the Purple Cheese and Pineapple Express however were ready for the jars. Loving the color though!


Here are a few more pictures of various globs I found on her buds:


Auto Seeds Purple Cheese


And here they are in the jars!


Should have the dried bud pictures of the Pineapple Express coming soon and a Dinafem White Widow came down on a bit of a snaffoo (silly story,) so stay tuned and thanks for looking!
Howdy dude,

Stunning harvest so far, can't wait to see the rest of your goodies :)

What's your drying method?? Tried a few different ways now and I'm still not sure which is my favourite. Air-drying I think....

How many are left to be chopped??

:happy new year:

Waited all DAY to post this!

Heyyyy what up Howdy! I've tried a few different methods, but I usually take a big cardboard box, punch out some ventilation holes, stick a small 6" clip fan in there and have it blowing indirectly on low speed (so the fan is blowing against the side wall of the box and not the buds directly.) This gives me air movement but it doesn't dry out the buds excessively fast. I poke a hole on either side at the top of the box and run string, wire, or pipe cleaners through it as a line to hang the buds from. Started trimming the whole plant as one instead of lopping branches off and hanging them individually, much easier than having to try to hang 10 different buds from one plant.

As far as the length of time for the drying, I've been using this method:

The number of days = 1 day per every 10% of room humidity + 1 solid day. So if my humidity is about 20% average, I'll do 2 days + 1 extra day for 3 days total. I jar them based on how the stems snap; if they snap dry with a loud crack, they over dried. If they snap but have a little firmness in them still; they usually go in the jar. No snap, no jar.

That's just how I do it though; I have and I'm sure you have seen so many methods out there; this is just what has been working for me. The buds smell great after a few weeks and the smoke is stellar. No mold, no ammonia ever so far (knock on wood haha!)

I'm considering trying out some of these Boveda humidity packs I've been hearing about; they sound interesting to say the least.

I bought an Aviditi drying rack, but I'm didn't look at the product dimensions and when I pulled it out of it's carrying case, it's like a good SEVEN FEET TALL haha! Was like "ohhhhh dannnnng where am I gonna put this?" It's pretty neat though; it's like a big mesh cylinder with multiple mesh trays as you go up and down.

Oh hey here are a few pictures of the Pineapple Express and the White Widow.

And a little disclaimer to my pictures; if you ever see some whitish looking hairs or stringy things, it's not pests... I uh... I have a cat, man. I can't keep that little nugget's hair out of my grow room. Gross gross, I know I know. If you have pets you'll understand haha!

G13 Labs Pineapple Express

This SMELLS like PINEAPPLES. VERY fruity. Not even cured. Even the Mrs said after smelling the jars "woah that's fragrant!" It's not quite as pretty as G13's photo counterpart of the PE (in my very humble opinion,) but it holds up well in smell and flavor! It's so tasty. Seriously if you like fruit; you'd love this beast!

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Dinafem White Widow Auto (1 of 2)

Stupid story on this. About a week and a half ago or so I got a call from the mother-in-law. "Hey we were thinking of coming up to see you guys! Like maybe this Friday!" My reply, "Friday? Like this Friday? Like Friday in two days Friday?"

So long story short, had to make the decision on whether to start chopping early and I decided to not do another water since I would hacking them down, and with 15+ plants watering takes a LONG time. THEN, as fate turns out, they don't come after all! DOH! So I start watering the plants again; but it turns out I was maybe a little late on this girl as she was already drying out. So DOWN she went. I think it was like day 74 or 76 or something; I'll have to look at the calendar.

But taaaaasty? Oh brother. Citrus flavors and the smell, right off the plant is absolutely divine. Love me some White Widow! Pretty strong for 76 days too; one good bowl and I'm feeling Matt McConaughey "alright alright alright!"

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Anyways out of the 22 plants, 19 flowered and I've harvested 5 of them (Berry Ryder, White Widow, Black Cream, Purple Cheese, and Pineapple Express.) So 14 left to chop.

The Auto Super Hash will be coming down soon; think it fell to the same fate of the WW. The Biodiesel Mass will be coming down soon as well.

I have a Dark Devil in like... I don't know, maybe 4 or 5 gallon pot and it's just got some BIG FAT PLUMPERS for buds on it. Can't wait to see that one finish out. Trying to let it go longer; tough to tell with the trichs since the purple pigment rides up into the heads.

On some good news; the Trans Siberian and the Amnesia that I thought I totally burned and flubbed (the initial buds and pre's all dried up really weird-like,) have completely come back with GIGANTIC fat calyxes dripping with resin. Will get some pictures up, they are fat like grapes. Well. Maybe grape nuts. But still, very cool. Not going to get much weight from them, but at least they came back and are pumping out the good good.

Will try to get some pictures of what's left soon; still looking great down there!

Thanks for taking a look!