Indoor Laundry Basket of Doom...mwahahaha


Her "main" buds are all that size or bigger...

Some quick pics for the day.
Audrey2 is roughly 17" tall... The majority of her buds are the size of pop cans, If not bigger. She has some foxtailing going on on a few of her bigger buds, for some reason. Maybe I shouldn't have ignored her taco-ing sugar leaves and moved my lights up a little... It almost looks like she's beginning to show her "autumn colors", too. I'll get another trich check done later today to see if she's progressing towards chop any quicker...
This girl and my 2 liter grow entry are sharing 3 lights...

Audrey2 is frosting up nicely, now, too.

Buuuttttt, her trichs still don't say she's anywhere near chop-ready.
18-06-25 13:55:24.png

She's still being fed two scoops of Megacrop per gallon (1tsp) every feeding, and watered when her coco says shes thirsty. I'd normally say when her leaves get a little droopy, but all that's left on her are sugar leaves...So I wait until her tote doesn't weigh 150lbs to water her...or give 4 gallons every other day...
I'm going to make a 10 gallon to see how the plant grown in it compares to one in a 5 gallon bucket, and how it'll compare to the big ass tote I'm almost done with.
I'm also thinking about doing three of the same strain, with one seed in my 2 liter bottle, one in a 5 gallon bucket, and one in the 10 gallon pot I'm going to make, to do both a comparison in size of plant during the grow, and total growth time. Should be an interesting grow.
Audrey2 got chopped today.
Trichs were cloudy, (some were PURPLE), and she developed a gnat problem.
My back doesn't allow for the time it would have taken to get them under control, So she got chopped and her coco got doused with straight 3%peroxide, and her tote got completely sealed shut afterwards. F**k gnats, and F**k the gnat infested soil known as HAPPY FROG. I will never buy it, or recommend it to anyone again.
Post chop pics later.
Audrey2 got chopped today.
Trichs were cloudy, (some were PURPLE), and she developed a gnat problem.
My back doesn't allow for the time it would have taken to get them under control, So she got chopped and her coco got doused with straight 3%peroxide, and her tote got completely sealed shut afterwards. F**k gnats, and F**k the gnat infested soil known as HAPPY FROG. I will never buy it, or recommend it to anyone again.
Post chop pics later.

How many days in total mate?