Outdoor Latitude 56* Scotland guerrilla/ninja style


If the plant was snapped/chewed off down near the base, it is mice or rats. I had them chew through the base of a 4 foot chilli plant a few weeks back, snapping it. Luckily I was able to prop it back up, stake it, and tape it, as it wasn't completely severed. Rodents will just chew half of the stem off, causing it to give way due to a lack of core stability. They never chew all the way through. I would maybe put some chilli powder around the perimeter of each plant if possible. One whiff of that and the mouse will be sent off scampering.

The other alternative is a deer could have done it, but they will almost always bite through the plant halfway up. They will chew the top half of the plant, leaving no damage on the base. Or they will nibble off the top half and the side branches leaving just a stalk. So I conclude it is rats/mice. Was the bite at the base? If it was further up, you need to get everything caged with wire mesh ASAP.