Outdoor Latitude 56* Scotland guerrilla/ninja style

hey guys and galls sorry to leave everybody hanging, lives turned upside down in last 6months...big changes including moving from rural highlands into my own flat(rented) and moving jobs etc. so the plants theyre long smoked up, but il try fill you in it was the glueberry that came down first, wouldn't have been long after my last posts it swole up nicely giving roughly an oz trimmed n dried. was really nice sticky bud definetly gonna have to try an indoor one. Then the weather came in on me so the Cinderella Jack came down aswell, or what was left of it after it got munched. was pretty leafy but to be fair the whole thing leaves and stalk was covered in trichomes, I think it could have gone longer but due to its dense leafy structure I took it down instead of losing what I had left all be it a few grams dried. The Orange Bud and the 60day Wonder both got through the few weeks of crap weather even though they packed on some weight. both nice open structure but fat little nuggs of tasty bud. The 60day wonder probably went 80-90days+ but ohwell. maybe an oz or two between them. trimmed them all up, hung to dry and then cured 2-3weeks+. I think aside from my issues with something munching through a large portion of my crop and dealing with the Scottish summer time, I did alright. unfortunitly they all got cropped at the first sign of sun in the mornings at like 4am so no photos...sorry guys, Il see if I have some more up to date photos though. now that era is over and I cant do anymore guerrilla growing I don't know what Im going to do.
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Have you tried a strain called "scottish"? I noted Hybrids from Hell had it a while back, don't think they cary it anymore though.
Have you tried a strain called "scottish"? I noted Hybrids from Hell had it a while back, don't think they cary it anymore though.
nah cant say I have or heard of it, interested though....had quick look cant find seeds anywhere though, don't know if you can email breeder direct looks like a photoperiod strain but hell if it grows in Scotland (think it stated upto 61*) then worth a go. unfortunitly I cant do outdoor anymore
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