Outdoor Latitude 56* Scotland guerrilla/ninja style

Something has been n chewed through 1 3/4 of my plants. We've lost one critical kush so just one left. And also my glueberry was lying at a 90* angle chewed near through, but she was reaching upwards so there must still be life flowing through what's left. Now I had nothing with me nothing. 4 bottles of feed and a joint. So I had to ruddle up a bandage/ splint/I hope this works patch up with the label off a plastic 2L bottle folded over a few times. I hope it lives. Will post photos tomorrow also topped up egg shells n slug pellets.
Oh no - so sorry to hear that.

Sounds like a premature supercropping on your 90 deg one - but in this heat any wound has (as you suggest) already started to heal and the plant is still going - so trying to repair (straighten it up) might do more damage now << she'll pick up whatever tip she wants as the new leader and the main stem will chug along as the same primary even tho it might be a lower node. The plant will just divert more energy to the new leading tips - when people do LST and SCROGs we do a lot of bending early on anyway << all to improve yield by opening up the horizontal nodes (so nature may have done summit that you would have thought to scary to try). Of course it can only get to do this once.

But I feel for you there - deer within the fence perhaps (tho the plants were small enough for rabbits/sheep) but with that much undergrowth hmm. You know the area best so the diagnosis is yours to make), but... Free venison at dusk with a crossbow guarding the last girls - fair game to me as recompense (assuming you're not like my kids who would scream if I left a rabbit hanging in the kitchen) - and also helps whoever has an interest in the tree plantings :D

In other news - now we have learned the hard way why getting some dark green cage type netting is important in 'wild' sites. In urban guerrilla grows the pests tend to come with two legs and a bag or some council twat with a strimmer, and usually towards the end of your grow. It doesn't make it easier I know.

Sorry dude - sending plant Karma :weed:

And meet Sugar Bob....
Something has been n chewed through 1 3/4 of my plants. We've lost one critical kush so just one left. And also my glueberry was lying at a 90* angle chewed near through, but she was reaching upwards so there must still be life flowing through what's left. Now I had nothing with me nothing. 4 bottles of feed and a joint. So I had to ruddle up a bandage/ splint/I hope this works patch up with the label off a plastic 2L bottle folded over a few times. I hope it lives. Will post photos tomorrow also topped up egg shells n slug pellets.
Oh man that sucks.
You'd be surprised how well they can survive an episode like this though. Sounds like you did a fine patch up job and hopefully she'll soldier on.
Good luck.


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nah id say by the bite ,marks on the glueberry its either a wascily wabbit or a mouse. matches very well to what happened to most of my pea shoots. yeah she was already reaching round to face the sun again so just straightened her carefully n splinted it up best as I could. unfortunitly if its a mouse theres little to fuck all protection from mesh or chicken wire as they will fit through near any space. I suppose its just the risk we run doing wild grows
Mice are a pain - and yer they love the shoot tips. We use bait in the allotment shed but that's just to stop them nesting there, there's nuthing I've found effective in the field so to speak. So no magic solution I know of. But here's a thought - they may be after the moisture (you're plants are the only watered juicy ones up the hill) - so you could try leaving them a water supply nearby...
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If you have a dog , taking tuffs of hair after brushing and tie beside your plants is supposed to keep away rodents like rabbits etc. Worth a go
Sorry dude about your loss.
but the one guy said about the green netting really important in a gorilla grow like that with plants that smell also the guy here said about the dog hair great idea dogshit too.[emoji90] and if you think it's mice which I've never had a problem with mice messing with any plants I've ever had but I guess it could happen take some mouse traps up there and set them up if not anything rabbit steps on one it's going to run too.
Hell your in Dire Straits you need take evasive action now.
you can take your own pee and your own poop and throw it around too. that helps keep them Critters back as well.
go down to your hunting store or Sporting Good shop and grab some Fox pee or urine spray and spred that around there all those things help keep them critters away.
Good luck[emoji482]
