La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Seeds Grow N Show of 2021

Bill, that is a monstrous plant. I think this is the only GnS that has convinced me I cannot grow that strain. I've just not got the room!
Thanks man! I have a clone in my seed tent!! :headbang:
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Asian Haze is chopped! I took a few quality buds for flower and the rest for the hash. Flower buds are in paper bags and the rest is in the freezer with enough for three good dry ice hash runs.
I used a four bucket wash method to clean the buds. First bucket was baking soda, seconds was lemon juice and H2O2 and two rinse buckets. I then hung them on a clothes rack under my old drag racing "King Of Fans" fan on it's lowest setting for a few hours.


I think you are right about the hash from this girl being "dangerous". I smoked a little bit of a test bud. You sure could tell it was a sativa............really quick. Not racy at all and no anxiety that time.

The clone I took from her is building bud and frost quite nicely. With the tiny footprint of high intensity light on this old LED light, I have to keep a close eye on the PAR it's getting. Just like the outdoor girls, once the buds reach a certain size, her upwards growth is pretty much stopped. She's reached her stopping point. I'm gonna let her run to see what kind of bud structure she'll put out with better light.

With the way this strain grows quickly during veg and doesn't have flower stretch, I think she could be grown indoors with good results. I think keeping it 18/6 or 20/4 and training her pretty hard to get a good even and wide canopy and then flipping to 12/12 to finish her out. My reasoning behind this thought process, is based on both cuttings did nothing but grow upwards under 18/6 when I was spraying the bigger cutting with STS. As soon as I flipped to 12/12 to try and get something going with the STS girl going, BOTH cuttings started to flower and stopped their upwards growth in roughly a week once the buds got to about 'pinky fingernail' size.
With my limited experience with non-autos(NONE!), I'm only basing this on observation. When growing outdoors, I can only assume that the declining daylight hours triggers flowering, once the hormone levels come up enough, maybe why the smaller girl flowered outside first.
I ASSUME that girls grown from seed indoors, would veg inside longer with a steady 18/6 and act just like the cuttings I took. With this strain being a fast-photo or semi-auto, I assume the flowering hormones would eventually get to the levels to trigger flowering if left on 18/6. The cuttings did act just like photos as soon as I flipped them to 12/12, without the photo flower stretch growth spurt.
I could be all screwed up on my thinking or reasoning behind why this could work, but it's just based on what I've done and observed.

Buds have grown since this Sunday pic.
Yeah, she's getting top-heavy. I wanna up pot her so I can use the 3 gal bag. Any suggestions to do it by myself? LOL!

Sorry about the crappy pic. I didn't realize the lens was dirty. She's butting out some frost and some funk to those growing buds.
I think I'll move one of my little UV lights over and supplement this old burple light she's under.
Haze clone is doing well. Her buds are forming well and firming up. 'm thinking these buds will be quite nice when they are mature. Been hitting her pretty hard with the FFJ for flower.
She's been an interesting experiment for me. The not fully filled 3gal pot has been good to learn how to water it properly. I think it's easier to get it fully watered than a large one. I do like the easy wet/dry cycle. I can see getting to everyday cycle easy with girls under a good light and pushed properly.
Buds from the big Haze with probably get trimmed up and jarred up tomorrow or Sunday.
:drool: I love her Bill, she's a perfect little Bonsai of the mothers, right down to the mini-chunker buds! :d5:

I've been remiss here,.... how's the dry bud coming along? :eyebrows:
This ChemdSDHz is bloody potent! I nailed myself the other night, burnt-toasted a bit I'd say, 2x as high as I had wanted - :dizzy::haha: I am surprised actually...
She's not at all pretty by looks, but is stiff and heavy with resin. Aroma seems stable, staying kinda sweet/floral/soft fuelly...
Might as well toss the pics I recently took up!

Week two of flower. In 5 gallon pots of Coco at 1.7ec of Mega Crop & Sweet Candy.


Diesel Deluxe pheno#1


Copacabana Haze shoots


Copacabana Haze


Diesel Deluxe pheno #2


Copacabana Haze


Panama Haze

Full Journal Here
Checked the trichs the other day on the little Asian Haze clone. Have some ambers, but most of those are on early maturing places.
I wanna let these nice little nuggets mature a little more than her Mom.

She'll be easier to trim up her buds being quite a bit better bud to leaf ratio. I'll just chop at the base, trim the fan leaves and stand her up in one of my cardboard drying boxes. It'll help the leave to stand out for final trim.

These are gonna be little nuggets of goodness! The high is defiantly Sativa!
Gave the Haze clone girl a feed and was admiring her little buds and how frosty they are becoming and much denser. I've been hitting her pretty hard with flower nutes.........FFJ and Blue Gold Flower.
She smells just like her Mom, but much stronger since she's indoors. It hits ya hen ya open the tent. With the light from the big tent, her trichs were just glistening away. So I just had to take pics. She is going to be so easy to trim up.
IMG_20211102_204121243_HDR (2).jpg

IMG_20211102_204442122 (2).jpg
Week two of flower. In 5 gallon pots of Coco at 1.7ec of Mega Crop & Sweet Candy.
:greenthumb: Wow, you cracked the whip on them this round DTC, fine job on the shaping and pruning!

Gave the Haze clone girl a feed and was admiring her little buds and how frosty they are becoming and much denser. I've been hitting her pretty hard with flower nutes.........FFJ and Blue Gold Flower.
She smells just like her Mom, but much stronger since she's indoors. It hits ya hen ya open the tent. With the light from the big tent, her trichs were just glistening away. So I just had to take pics. She is going to be so easy to trim up.
OMG, she's a perfect little nugg-tree! :drool: ...what the aroma like indoors? Buds look prime Bill, this is an exceptional pheno- :thumbsup:
:greenthumb: Wow, you cracked the whip on them this round DTC, fine job on the shaping and pruning!

OMG, she's a perfect little nugg-tree! :drool: ...what the aroma like indoors? Buds look prime Bill, this is an exceptional pheno- :thumbsup:
Here's from yesterday. I was going to update all my threads later today. Her smell when I chopped her was a scream from her...........and she screamed LOUD! It was a wickedly sweet that was first to hit, almost sickly sweet. As usual, my nose it stopped up and I couldn't pick out something new, but it was there. Not unpleasant at all.
I'm really glad I took this clone. I took it on a whim in thinking it would get too big for the little seed tent. When I tried reversing, I really could have shown her more attention and the results may have been better. I started to really care for her very closely when she started to flower when I flipped her to 12/12.

I'll grow this girl again from seed and put her in an EarthBox under 600+watts in a tent or maybe a new growroom in my shop. I'm pretty sure I could keep her managed with pretty heavy training and I do think the outcome would be very nice and frosty. That little 160w Cali Lightworks I had in the is a good light, but it's old tech with a pretty small foot print. I used my PAR meter every day on her and rotated her a 1/4 turn everyday to get more even exposure.
The results will be some really good quality smoke once it's dried and cured. I've not sampled any of the hash I made with her mom yet. I vaped some subpar quick dry of her mom and it lit my ass up. Not jittery really, but I did have to move. On days when I have to get things done, I'll take a couple hits on top of my canna coffee for a smooth, but productive high.

That LITFA is sum purdy good stuff! :eyebrows::biggrin:
Fugue Stat is loving it.:rofl: I'll five er another big dose at first light in about 10 min. :biggrin:

I very lightly trimmed the Asian Haze clone. She was a little stinky when I opened the tent, but I've had the exhaust fan cranked a little to keep the rH down a bit during the dark period. I just snipped a few leaves, gathered her up a little with soft wire and chopped her at the base. She went into the drying box whole and upright. I stuck the base into some soft springy foam I trimmed to fit tightly at the bottom.

She did NOT like the chop! She started spewing all her sweet-smelling funk. She was in the hallway and bedroom for just seconds while taking the box to the walk-in closet, but I could smell her funk in the kitchen. LOL! This is with no air circulating with the HVAC.

Gonna be some great smoke!
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