Sweet Seeds Killernecrox's Second Grow | Fast Bud #2 |140W Led & 5L Airpot

How is everyone doing ? Probably red eyes and giggling at this post for no reason :grin:
Anyway i have been wanting to do an update but AFN was down but all is well because AFN is up and running again hooray :d5::smokebuds:

So there is a change of plan since both of my seeds (db and nl) didn't sprout. I just received my sweet seeds fast bud #2 yesterday and i placed them into a cup of water and they sinked down after a few hours. I have flushed my growing medium again to make sure it's all saturated because i think it dried out while waiting for the previous seeds to sprout.

What happened to both of the seeds that didn't sprout was quite stupid... I digged up the soil and looked for the seeds and i found one(the one that cracked but no taproot came out) so i threw it away and the other one was lost(i hope it won't affect my new grow with the seed somewhere around the soil).

Right now i am waiting for my growing medium to dry up a bit before i place my new seeds in it. Will do another update when the seeds are in.

ps : how do i change my thread title ? I wanna change the name of the strain that i'm growing.
pps : i'm planning to buy a digital ph meter to measure run off, my water ph and also after adding nutes. please do recommend an online website that delivers to asia cheap because most of the site, the delivery cost is way higher than the price of the item.
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Hey guys, a quick update. Just one night and the tap roots are visible already. I placed the seed into my growing medium and sprayed some water to make sure that the soil is moist. I'm out now and hopefully when I reach home, I can see some heads popping! More update soon.
Day 1 Report

So i'm counting day 1 from the day i see their head coming out of the soil(is this the proper way to start or should i count germination as day 1?) and it took a total of 3 days from germination(placing seeds into a cup of water) to being able to see them coming out of the soil. I'm so excited for this grow because i'm pretty sure it will be much better than my first grow and hopefully a really good yield.

My LED's height is at 26 inches(I know i should do 30 but i don't have enough height), i'm definitely gonna be lsting both of them around day 20 or maybe earlier for example when they show their sex.

Can you guys please do recommend ph meters to me as i don't wanna depend on the ph liquid test indicator kit from GH as i think it is not exactly accurate. Please recommend an online website that delivers to asia cheap because most of the site, the delivery cost is way higher than the price of the item.

And how do i change my thread title because i would love to change the name of the strain i'm growing to sweet seeds fast bud #2.

Here are the pictures, to a heavy yielding future yayyyy

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Day 8 Report

Hey everyone ! It's day 8 since they broke through the ground and they are looking mighty healthy. Plenty of root growth now and once the roots settle down, the foliage will be beautiful. Just watered today and probably gonna water next week to let the roots really search downwards for any remaining of water.

Pictures :

Feed Schedule/Planning in advance

Alright so i plan to chop around day 60 so here is what my feeding schedule would be like and to show everyone what i have planned and we will see based on how the plants react to know whether it's a good schedule.

Watering usually is 1.5litre (till run off). I give according to what the plant need, not by a fixed schedule but this is just a rough one.

Day 7 - Plain water (I watered at day 8 but doesn't really matter)

Day 14 - Plain water

Day 21 - 1/8 veg nute added to water for feeding and i'm gonna lst after watering.

in between - maybe plain water (depends on how heavy the pot is or how dry is the top soil)

Day 28 - 1/4 veg nute added to water for feeding and maybe train it down again if it has a lot of upwards growth.

in between - maybe plain water (depends on how heavy the pot is or how dry is the top soil)

Day 35 - 1/4 bloom nute added to water for feeding and maybe 1/4 tsp of blackstrap molasses

in between - maybe plain water (depends on how heavy the pot is or how dry is the top soil)

Day 42 - 1/4 bloom nute added to water for feeding and most probably 1/2 tsp of blackstrap molasses

in between - maybe plain water (depends on how heavy the pot is or how dry is the top soil)

Day 49 - Plain water

in between - maybe plain water (depends on how heavy the pot is or how dry is the top soil)

Day 56 - Plain water (Will be checking the trichs with my 40x microscope i bought recently and i might let it go longer depending on how many amber/cloudy ones i have and also not forgetting the fan leaves colours.)

Day 58 - Lights off giving 48 hours of darkness before chop

Day 60 - Chop.

Hope this plan works out. :grin:
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My seedling is day 14 but it doesn't have much growth and it looks really similar to my day 8 report just that the leaves are growing longer/fatter but there are no new leaves producing. I am gonna water tomorrow and i will take pictures.
What are we growing here anyway? TWO Fast Bud #2s?
Yeah that's right TWO Fast Bud #2s. They are at day 14 but looks like day 8. Have you had any experience with slow seedling growth but then huge spurt afterwards ?
Its hard to say for me.. I've stunted almost every plant I've grown, and at different stages. I've had both fast seedlings and slow seedlings.

The issue you described sounds strange to me. Personally, I wouldn't get too worried yet, unless they show signs of being unhealthy.
