Jraven's Alaska Sunroom Grow 2017

Hope you enjoy a tranquil evening Jraven, and a sun filled tomorrow :cools: surreal

thanks for coming by my friend, you have a good one too.
So, I've rowed back out to the boat(anchored in front of home) I'm seeing if I can post from here. I moved the modem in the house to a front window

I'm not sure what winter is like for you there, looks more temperate. It's the year round color that the conifers offer that's nice. My area of the midwest doesn't really have any indigenous ones so a winter without a lot of snow and no leaves to speak of is rather bleak. Your fortunate to have them.
I'm not sure what winter is like for you there, looks more temperate. It's the year round color that the conifers offer that's nice. My area of the midwest doesn't really have any indigenous ones so a winter without a lot of snow and no leaves to speak of is rather bleak. Your fortunate to have them.

Temperate rain forest.
Hi folks, hope all is well.:pass:
Not a lot happening in the plant world here, but I'm starting to see a pistil or two on the Bomb THC, one that's been in the makeshift greenhouse. I had to break her over yesterday to fit.View attachment 797313
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I got some higher P-K neuts (fox farm open sesame) and will give them another blackout period. The two that I moved into the solarium haven't shown yet but they have some bud hanger potential :)
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Here's the only one of the Z6xHarle-Tzu photos that has developed buds, definitely getting some extract from her
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Fishing has been real slow for a while but we are staying close to home anyway here's a pic of my work place and gear, anchored at home for the eve.
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I like how the gulls mob the fishguts when she's cleaning. Leave the bladder intact and they float. Lot of fisherman don't do it because other's can see when you're catching.
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Here's a typical look at the world as we see it:)
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Good growing everyone
Looking great man (plants and vessel). Good luck for growing n fishing.
I cant do fishing this year anymore, because i had elbow surgery last month...and winter is coming before it will heal :crying:...no...still the happy thougts :jointman:
Looking great man (plants and vessel). Good luck for growing n fishing.
I cant do fishing this year anymore, because i had elbow surgery last month...and winter is coming before it will heal :crying:...no...still the happy thougts :jointman:

I'll do enough fishing for both of us bro...got another week or so to go here.
Thanks for stopping in!!
My Bomb Seeds THC Bomb autos have finally kicked into flower...they had to be prodded along lol. Gave them another 24 hour blackout and feeds of Open Sesame from fox farm. Desperate measures for me but boy it would sure be nice if these filled up. They have a lot of bud sites.

They are in the sunroom now. The light this time of year is better with the sun coming in the front instead of above which has the less transmission of light. However I will have to come up with a plan for them because we are making our usual annual trip to the civilized world (Seattle) next month. It's obviously gonna be awhile for these. Anybody have a guess on finish times for these?
We've had a few nice days but we're definitely done with summer. 40F/4C at night now.
Pretty poor summer season here with few exceptions temps were in the 50s and grey/rainy (near record wet)
last couple days
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