Jraven's Alaska Summer 2018

53F high today....was 35F this morning...all plants look perfect on my end! :shrug:
mid 30's at night here too but the gals are getting 80's in the greenhouse during the day at times.and the sunroom. Once we lose the good daytime temps I'll bring the other F1FV plants into the sunroom.
Here are the Sweet Green Poison f1fv that are in the sunroom now

And the topped one
Here's Sweet cheese fast version View attachment 956173View attachment 956178 View attachment 956179
Looks to me the harvest window on this will fall during the time we're away on the road, have to figure something out.
Looking good. I know what you mean about harvest time .... I make my grows when I believe I will have three months to be home. I cut it tight a couple of grows. This grow we forgot my DR appointment in early Dec. We could be gone a week or more. I will play it by ear.
Fabulous. And getting into the darker part of the year that greenhouse will double serve you well.
Thanks Gene.It's definitely extending my outdoor season, by next spring I'll have something figured out to extend it even more...more closed in with more mechanical ventilation. Maybe a heat source:thumbsup:

Looking good. I know what you mean about harvest time .... I make my grows when I believe I will have three months to be home. I cut it tight a couple of grows. This grow we forgot my DR appointment in early Dec. We could be gone a week or more. I will play it by ear.
Yep my neighbors don't know it yet but they may be doing some harvesting lol. I'll break it to them soon :biggrin:. They have been nursing my plants every year at this travel time, they'll be up to it.
Here's the Sweet Cheese Fast on its way from the greenhouse to the solarium. It's a close call but I think the plants in the solarium are doing a little better then the greenhouse ones. Been in the 30's at nite out there, but they seem pretty happy.
It got a little below freezing in the greenhouse last night.:eyebrows: I'm not sure if it spells and end to the season in there or if the photos will hang in for a while...I'll move the last of the F1FV 's into the solarium. If I can harvest one or more of those in the next few days [a couple are close] I'll bring in the NL#5 photo it is the most advanced. After that I'll be gone for 3 weeks. I don't expect a lot of freezing weather this month but chances are it won't be real good so it will be a test for the greenhouse. and the photos. If they get through it ok they will be able to finish in the solarium. :worship: I'd be nervous if I didn't have a decent stash already. :pass:
It got a little below freezing in the greenhouse last night.:eyebrows: I'm not sure if it spells and end to the season in there or if the photos will hang in for a while...I'll move the last of the F1FV 's into the solarium. If I can harvest one or more of those in the next few days [a couple are close] I'll bring in the NL#5 photo it is the most advanced. After that I'll be gone for 3 weeks. I don't expect a lot of freezing weather this month but chances are it won't be real good so it will be a test for the greenhouse. and the photos. If they get through it ok they will be able to finish in the solarium. :worship: I'd be nervous if I didn't have a decent stash already. :pass:
It is that time of the year. It's been fun watching your grow. Harvest when and what you can. :)
What ideas do you have for heating J could you use wood , as you have heaps . :shrug: :thumbsup:
I'd use a good efficient oil heater if I could find one I can afford. Otherwise it'll be wood. Thanks for the prompt lol I should be on the lookout for something suitable when we are down in civilization.