Jraven's Alaska Summer 2018

Here's an update on the Green Poison fast version gals...since they started seriously flowering they are moving real fast. I'm hoping they'll be able to finish in the greenhouse but they better be quick lol. The weather has been as good as it gets here but the nights are getting cool, 34F last night in there.
Here's my mutant DP Blueberry that's been pretty interesting looking lol. She does have nice trichs for such a silly girl. Interestingly this plant has the most "blueberry" smell I've ever experienced weed wise.View attachment 949807 View attachment 949804 View attachment 949806
Here's where my Sweet green poison fast version is at, I have two, and I have a cheese fast that is a little behind I do have hope for these finishing ok in the greenhouse. These gals are 5 feet tall.View attachment 949809 View attachment 949808now for some fish. The fish are unusually large this year which makes it kind of fun except for the sore gaff arm hehe. Still not enough of the darned things though but we've probably made enough to get by. Some gore coming here View attachment 949810 View attachment 949811

That blueberry looks like a Dr Grinspoon!!
Here's an update on the Green Poison fast version gals...since they started seriously flowering they are moving real fast. I'm hoping they'll be able to finish in the greenhouse but they better be quick lol. The weather has been as good as it gets here but the nights are getting cool, 34F last night in there.View attachment 951484 View attachment 951482 View attachment 951483

Hope she finishes in time! Hey, at least you can test how tough these plants really are to cold temps, and get some bud!!!!
Hope she finishes in time! Hey, at least you can test how tough these plants really are to cold temps, and get some bud!!!!
Yep, lol I think the testing has begun. The days are better than I could have wished for but that does bring the cool nites. Once the days get to the constant grey and rain (overdue now) we'll see how that goes. I have the option of moving them into the solarium since the tomatoes are finishing up.
Yep, lol I think the testing has begun. The days are better than I could have wished for but that does bring the cool nites. Once the days get to the constant grey and rain (overdue now) we'll see how that goes. I have the option of moving them into the solarium since the tomatoes are finishing up.

Good stuff man!! Hey the solarium sounds like a great plan!!

thats the blueberry that was in the corner the other week ? it may look strange but its not short on frost :thumbsup: and some of us not to bothered about a tight trim job anyways.
keep er lit.
that's the one yep it's frosty and smells real good...not sure what to do with it but we'll figure something out:smoking: