Thankyou for telling it!!! Your plants are obviously thriving!

You've given me more than a couple things to consider in regards to my next grow!

I like the blurry background too!
I know it's a bit convoluted atm but I do intend to make it a comprehensive little article.

Check out GeoPots , they have some nice pots. i bought 2, heavy fabric. they have some with velcro too
Fabric pots are nice and do produce well but I was looking for something very specific.. and I found it.

You can't see it from this angle but in every one of these steps there's holes in the downward facing.. faces. The only problem with these is that they are designed for flood tables so there are no pruning holes at the very bottom. A few minutes with a soldering iron should rectify that though. In addition they are 11 Liters as compared to my current 19 Liter pots and are 22cm wide by 27cm high. So the roots are going to reach the pruning points at the roughly same since you gotta adjust for horizontal movements along the steps. But they ARE 27cm high.. which is too long for an optimal pruning point of the tap root. The ideal length to prune a tap root at is about 11cm so I might thread a thin aluminium wire through the holes and pull it in time to cut the tap root at that height.
Does sound like another interesting experiment, doesn't it?!

I switched the light to full spectrum in order to pump some more photons into my plants.. Baby still has a small surface area and Jack, well Jack is going to have a much smaller area quite soon.

Baby Day 10: Baby is lagging behind quite a bit. 110cm is too much of a distance for this light, in the beginning stages at least. I have now arrived at a point where it seems I have to partition the feeding/watering to half a Liter 2ce a day.

Jack Day 37: Nothing to report atm.

Both were fed their usual Liter of full strength nutrient water.
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Today there won't be an update on the plants but on the fertilizers. I spent some time yesterday to balance the different lines and clean up the data sheets. Starting Wednesday I'll start running line D.

Here are 4 lines, 2 for desalinated water and 2 for different hardnesses.
Fertilizer Lines AB.png

Fertilizer Lines CD.png

And here are the cost breakdowns & coverage projections at 100L/plant lifetime.
Fertilizer Lines Breakdown.png

Baby Day 12:
I've switched Baby to a watering/feeding schedule of 2ce a day. In the morning and evening she gets 500ml of full strength.

Jack Day 39: Something interesting happened after I defoliated so drastically; A lot of the tips of the remaining leaves burned. I didn't change anything else. The only change I made was the defoliation. So can you defoliate safely? Well yeah.. just not all at once :p

Alrighty today I switched to the D line of ferts.. which comes out to an ec of 1.34 (haven't actually tested it but that's what it should be mathematically, my ec meter is still in the mail).. We shall see how that pans out. The Kalimagesia is a little hard to dissolve because of it's granules' size so I'm gonna have to run that through a mixer; And the PH.. uuuh boy that dropped to 4 with my usual ratio of acid. So I PHed upwards with a base.. and of course some of the calcium precipitated out of solution from that. New ferts, new fun.

Today both got 1.5L of that solution at a PH of 5.2. Tomorrow each of them will get 2.5 liters at 5.8 and the old ferts should be pretty much replaced.


Baby Day 13: I wonder if the super high EC played a role in how small baby still is or if it's just a slow one. Never seen this strain grown for myself soooo we'll just have to wait and see how it reacts now. Another peculiar thing is the 2nd node. It is only a few millimeters above the first one. Interesting. I've switched the light back to more of a blueish spectrum and am curious to see what the next two nodes are going to do.

Jack Day 40: Jack is doing very well despite everything I've done to it. Still no signs of flower but I shall be patient and wait for it to turn on it's own. Provided it does so pretty soon.. otherwise I'm going to use @Eyeoftheworld 's advise and do a dark period to make it flip.


For my method of growing the 20liter containers are certainly tooo large so for the next round I ordered myself some 11L ones yesterday.

We also have a new inhabitant in the tent. It's a Mini chocolate bell pepper. It's the most vigorous of the bunch and will be the one to be crossed with the other two you see to the sides which are fruiting like crazy.
U wot m8.. So I'm a flowery twat now eh?! :haha:


You remember when I defoliated my Jack and I was able to water it easily? Pepperidge Farm remembers... Aaaand we're back to being a bush.
Today both got 2liters of the new D line fertilizer. Yesterday I didn't wash it off the leaves and there were no adverse side effects observable as of yet. The little Pepper plant did not appreciate fertilizer on it's leaves and has had a few parts of 2 leaves die.

Something else I've noticed is that Jack drinks up all the water through the leaves compared to Baby. What I mean is that while Baby is still drenched Jack is already all dry and snug. Now that may be because of the higher thermal mass but I like to think Jack is just hungry to grow more :p

That small baby may have some probs to grow... I had one like this, and i decided to cut it down, because she was creating new leaves, but the trunk never got bigger, so the leaves were really small... It was mainly a PH problem, i didn't have any phmeter at the time. She could not get enough nutrients from the soil. I figured out that some plants are just stronger than others, and adapting well. She was a waist of time.

5,2 is maybe a little too low, try 5.5 to 5.9, this is the best range for coco. If she is not improving, don't waist your time, cut it down. She's maybe just a WEAK ! :backside:

U wot m8.. So I'm a flowery twat now eh?! :haha:

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You remember when I defoliated my Jack and I was able to water it easily? Pepperidge Farm remembers... Aaaand we're back to being a bush.
Today both got 2liters of the new D line fertilizer. Yesterday I didn't wash it off the leaves and there were no adverse side effects observable as of yet. The little Pepper plant did not appreciate fertilizer on it's leaves and has had a few parts of 2 leaves die.

Something else I've noticed is that Jack drinks up all the water through the leaves compared to Baby. What I mean is that while Baby is still drenched Jack is already all dry and snug. Now that may be because of the higher thermal mass but I like to think Jack is just hungry to grow more :p

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Jack looks amazing!!!! So does Baby! I am trying to remember what mine looked like at that age. Pretty sure it wasn't anything near as healthy looking as yours!!!!