Oh sweet what kinds of peppers do you grow atm?
Well, we're in the high deserts of Oregon, so our season is done (although maybe some indoor this winter, if I can find the time and space).
Various jalapeños, serrano, and poblano. A few sweets as well. The peppers are new to us, but after 2 seasons our crops are getting better:biggrin:
This year we started a regular regime of foliar Mg, and noticed a huge difference!
welcome to AFN Druid!
Thank you

Well, we're in the high deserts of Oregon, so our season is done (although maybe some indoor this winter, if I can find the time and space).
Various jalapeños, serrano, and poblano. A few sweets as well. The peppers are new to us, but after 2 seasons our crops are getting better:biggrin:
This year we started a regular regime of foliar Mg, and noticed a huge difference!
You know what's awesome about growing all manner of other plants in the same room you got your tent? They stabilize the RH. I always got at least 40% even if I just did the morning air exchange in the room; half an hour later and the Humidity is back at 10g/m³ which is what cannabis seems to love. A range of 10 to 15g/m³ and they suck up water and nutes like crazy.
I'm a bit proponent of Magnesium sulphate so there was no need for foliar magnesium application yet.. but I haven't had one of these in flower yet so we'll see.

Here is a post in ine of our product test thread. Check out the last posts , amazing photos .
Thought you might find this interesting .

Oh I will definitely check this out.


Baby Day 0: Before I planted the seed I flushed the substrate with a nutrient solution of 1g Mag sulphate & 15ml Green(see page 1) per 5L. Today I watered it with ~200ml of full strength nutrients. So it's either going to love it or die. I also took off the "humidity dome" aka the cup.. It may be a baby but I see no use in babying my plants. Plus I do need this one to stretch and become a bit of a palm tree at the beginning; the watering of Jack is just annoying because everything is soooo low to the soil level and there's barely any light getting in it. I grew the nodes too tightly.. lesson learned.

Jack Day 27: I raised the nutrient concentration to 1mag sulphate & 30ml Green per 5L of tap water 2 days ago. No signs of complaint yet but it seems I have reached the peak of what I can get away with without harming it. There does appear to be a slight iron deficiency going on.. In my next (proper) fertilizer setup I'm going to adjust for that.

Speaking of Fertilizers.. I have been looking around more and managed to get the price of ferts per lifetime per plant down to 67cents (at 100l/26gal of water). In comparison the lucas formula with Maxibloom costs you 5,50€ per plant lifetime. The liquid Lucas formula from GH (flora micro/bloom) costs you 8,81€.
It did take me some time to find a good base and then by chance I found a base that already contained the cal nitrate.. To this is really as simple as possible: Add mag sulphate, add base, mix, water. For the entire veg and flower period.
I know the savings seem enormous and make you highly suspicious, as they should, so until I finish this current grow and can demonstrate it for real you can look into the 321 formula. If you live close to or in Switzerland here's the chart (rot means red btw):
Day 23: I estimate around 3 more days until it reaches it's former dimensions at the current rate of growth. I'm trying to keep the RH between 40 and 50 so it does take up more water but with all the other plants in the room and tent that's not all that easy.

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I'm also looking into ways of trans-planting using sts.. unfortunately there's a lot of fuzzy information out there when it comes to concentrations but I think the recipe below should do the trick.
View attachment 649808

Is anybody actually reading these?
I like you have the data table there!
I love documentation...

I like you have the data table there!
I love documentation...

View attachment 651355

Oh that's just one of the tables for my planned KISS nutes apprach.. All in all I have 10 tables documenting and planning/adjusting for future grows.

I'm a cheap bastard.. I have no problem shelling out 600bucks for the tent, lights, and other stuff.. but overpaying on the running costs or subobtimal nutrition of my plants? No way!
If I don't document how am I going to improve?!
Today when I worked on Jack for the first time it did smell like proper cannabis. There are still no more hairs than that singular one I'd seen some time ago so I'd say the veg is going well. But it is well on it's way and should fire off pretty soon.

Baby Day 1:
Fed her with 1L of half strength Green & full strength mag sulphate


Jack Day 28: I Trimmed off a few of the fan leaves, there was just too much light being blocked


Then I did some LST using paper clips, wire and paracord. The paracord I atatched to the trunk one one mayor bottom branch I didn't so skilfully break off a week ago (don't want to cut into it), then from the cord to the clip I used wire so I can easily pull it tighter each day (like the guidewire approach in bonsai).


Jack does look a bit like a plucked chicken now; should fill out soon enough though.

Fantastic ! show jack who is boss.
That's the plan. Even though He's growing slowly. On the bright side.. there is no sign of flowering yet.

Baby Day 2: Gave 500ml of half strength nutrient solution. She does appear to be having a bit of a blue tint to her.

Jack Day 29: Didn't feed/water today. I wanted to give him a bit of a break since I went chopping again.

I tied the trunk down another 5mm (the tension is crazy.. any more and it might have buckled). After that I removed some of the fan leaves of the 2nd node branches since they were occluding the bud sites below.


Yesterday I saw an interesting post by @budelee regarding mainlining. I'm highly tempted to give this a go with Baby; since I'm growing her for reproductive purposes (STL test) the yield is not that important and I think a more symmetrical structure might be of benefit for pollination.