Lol thx
Sure can. If you want to use my way of fertilizing may I also suggest the rest of the regiment:
After that the fertilizers topic may be of interest:

TLDR: I use substrates without ANY life or anything in it. I can even grow in styrofoam. Sounds like an exaggeration for effect; Isn't.
Water every day, with full ferts till you get runoff and you can never lockout or salt-to-death your plants.

I could talk about this for hours so in the interest of other people's sanity, do you have any specific questions?

Probably a million questions! Im looking for the simplest way to feed right now. I grow at a friends who wont feed, only water. So right now anything has to be very basic. Im afraid that these will be too much right now. But im going to reread the posts about the ferts
Probably a million questions! Im looking for the simplest way to feed right now. I grow at a friends who wont feed, only water. So right now anything has to be very basic. Im afraid that these will be too much right now. But im going to reread the posts about the ferts
Well there is a reason I call these KISS fertilizers.

So my fertilizer is made out of 3 parts Kristalon(highly hygroscopic) Kalimage(fancy dust with sulphur) and Fulvic/Humic acids (dried and ground up earth basically.. but let's you get away with not using peat) and of course the PH down for my lovely tap water (which you can also use a powdered form of, for convenience).
What I did in the beginning was take a bag and a scale and mix a big batch of the stuff, then just use the ready made mix each time I fill a res. I suggest you don't do that. When you do that the moisture sucking bits in your mix are going to do that each time you open the bag and the mix is going to react to that.. in the case of mine.. oxidize. Solution? Mix them in individual baggies. That way you can just get a 20L res, fill it up half way, throw in a feed baggie and mix. Then top up to fill and you got your feed for a week. Put the res next to your tent and water with a pitcher, simple.

I'm not saying you should switch over all your growing to the method I describe, my suggestion is to try it on two plants and see what comes out. This system is designed for being simple, one type of feed for the entire lifetime, as few pieces as possible, regular watering intervals and volume based on the plant age & pot size. It's to make it possible for everyone to grow 80+% of plants at home if they so choose.

I've been playing with an idea to show off the system best and I think growing a cannabis plant in styrofoam might be a good demonstration.
Somangos Day 90: They don't look half bad :p


Babies Day 10: Some of them are already working on their first 7-fingered leaves. Picking the fastest ones to pop is definitely a good idea.

Jack Junior Day 31: Little Jackie has recovered quite well after the defoliation from last update.
Oh the somangos are looking great!

For the mix i was way confused! I thought it was going to be a lot of tweaking each feed. So this will remain stable until used. Im liking it a lot. Ive been using supersoil so im spoiled. Ive seen the styrofoam done, isnt that a hempy bucket? Hmmmm, stoner moment
Oh the somangos are looking great!

For the mix i was way confused! I thought it was going to be a lot of tweaking each feed. So this will remain stable until used. Im liking it a lot. Ive been using supersoil so im spoiled. Ive seen the styrofoam done, isnt that a hempy bucket? Hmmmm, stoner moment
You're correct, my contest plant is growing in a hempy bucket.
Jack Junior Day 35: Here's a closer look at the hempy setup I got going. Without that I'd have to water this one way too often for my convenience.

So eight days ago I topped her and completely defoliated her; Now remember that this is a Jack Herer so it's going to veg long. With a fast strain I couldn't have done this. This is what she looked like this morning

Of course now that it had grown in a bit I could go and do some low stress training to get the primary branches into place

And since I widened her footprint I raised the lights a bit and put her back in

Somangos Day 94: Today I switched their positions. I noticed that the pistils on the front one are drying out faster so a little switcheroo shouldn't hurt. While I had the other one out I also defoliated her a bit to make sure there won't be any mold later.

You know what the most hilarious thing is?! The plastic pots are air pruning pots. So on the sides the roots get pruned well. On the bottom however the water often collects and the roots grow out into it. Then they rot and die. Stopping just a few millimeters short of the opening. So I'm air pruning on the sides and water pruning on the bottom :smoking: The buds on these girls are massive compared to anything I've grown before. It's a good thing these stems are hollow. They sway so much, with all that weight they'd break if they weren't.

Babies Day 14: Some are showing a spotting pattern.. which may have been water acting as a lens. I'm rotating them by 90° every few days so they all get good light and grow as evenly as possible. So far I've not found any to cull right away because of birth defects so that's a plus. Time to start collecting data and define the fitness function.
Little update on the Jack smoke report:
Jack Herer is a hybrid but leaning heavy towards sativa. That's not an everyday/allday smoke. It's an amazing smoke but you should grow a cbd heavy indica alongside it.
Somangos Day 100: Here are some pictures of the girls on their birthday party



Babies Day 20: I've culled 4 plants from the oldest 8, the rest will follow as they reach the same stage of maturity. In a weeks time I should hopefully be down to half my initial count and have

Jack Junior Day 41: It's a bit hard to spot in my baby forest but it's growing well despite it's small solo cup. As a matter of fact.. it's growing as well as baby did in a 20 liter fabric pot. lol
Babies Day 23: The older ones have began stretching now while the youngest ones are still about 5 days away from it. I've culled 70% of the younger ones. The runts, and malnourished ones. Anything that gets an calcium craving from my COBs gets pulled like a weed, unusable for future grows. I'm down to 10 plants now, from about a handfull of seeds.

Somangos Day 103: The apical fan leaves are getting burned by my lights so hard. Look at the pattern, that's why I'm pulling plants with similar cravings from my baby breeding run.

Jack Junior Day 44: I'd like to re-iterate that this Jack Herer is growing in the volume equivalent of a solo cup.

You see this amount of foliage!? The only reason that's possible is because of the hempy bucket/sippie cup down below. Within one day the substrate(finely sifted coco so it holds more water)) is almost dry. As a matter of fact; In addition to that, by now, it also sucks dry the water down below until the next day.

When you do this yourself you have to make sure to poke holes in the res so water can overflow. With a setup like this you can grow plants in the desert without a full hydro setup but you need to generate a descent runoff so the salts from the previous watering/day are flushed out alongside the last sip of super salty water.