@Druid -- rocking, bro!

Jack Day 116: Jack has gotten the final chop and is now hanging in the rafters. Until further notice this ficus will take the place.

Jack Junior Day 12: Little Jack has grown some cute foliage rather quickly since I have her a light all to herself.

Somangos Day 70: The buds are now in the process of gaining weight and closing the internodial spaces. It is a beauty to behold.
Jack Junior Day 19: Little Jack is still nice and small. I think with the setup I'm growing her in I could grow a close to perfect miniature cannabis plant in this cup (aka canna bonsai). As you know the leaves on big Jack were about as big as my hand, this seedling is from the same batch and the leaves are only as big as the tip of my thumb. This is not due to nutrition or substrate, those are the same ones I use for all plants; It's the lighting. I'm pumping it full of so much light that the leaves don't get bigger.
Unfortunately that doesn't last forever for the leaves but the important part is that the internodes are spaces really really closely while the trunk and branches are in proportion. So once the plant grows out it's branches and has become nice and fluffy around day 60 I'm going to trim off the big fan leaves, wait a few days for the small ones to grow a bit.. and at that point I'd have the perfect cannabis bonsai for a photo.

Babies Day 1: After letting the seeds dry out and sit for a bit I started the genetic refinement process for Baby. I grabbed a handfull of seeds, put them in a towel for germination and the fastest 12 I put into 3 pots. At least two plants per pot will be culled during growth. 4 finalists will be chosen, 3 females and one male. And then we'll start the next round of making seeds. Fun fact: only about 10% of seeds are really fast. What I mean is that there are about 10% that are massively faster than the rest (like twice as fast) and then the rest is kind of a blob in terms of growth vigor.

So if you want to be able to breed them you need to germinate hundreds at a time and cull hard to get the good stuff. From those 10% that grow really fast you have to take other fitness values such as secondary growth, internodal spacing, veg duration, flower duration, mould resistance(do cut branches and leaves dry and fall off properly),, genetic malformations, final product(flower), ect

This will be interesting.

Somangos Day 78: These ladies are just peacefully growing and minding their own business. No problems to report.

I had to raise the watering volume to 1L/day from 0.7L/day about a week ago and they are maintaining their good health.

Smoke reports:
The Jack Herer from those strain hunter guys is harvested and some of it is smokably cured by now. It is lovely. Baby has a weird hybrid effect of that indica heaviness but you're still physically wired and have the heart a racing like a strong sativa. Jack on the other hand is a get-shit-done herb. When working/focussing on a task for a long time I generally get tension headaches because apparently I clench my Jaw then. None of that with Jack, no clue if i don't clench of or doesn't give me a headache but when I'm stoned and working everything's fine.
It doesn't lock you down so you can do stuff while high.
Excellent report bud! And the documentation of the germination is top notch as well. Thank you
Thank you for the praise

Jack Junior Day 22:
Jackie is currently working on the 4th node after which I'll top her to bring out the branches a bit.

Babies Day 3 (and 0): The first batch of babies (these 8, I took out the other ones) are doing well.

One of them even has 3 leaves.. highly interesting and for sure something I'm going to try and select for. On Friday evening I started another handfull of seeds the first of which were planted today; I'm going to pick the first 8 again and plant them the same.

Somangos Day 81: They're just happily growing and ripening. Soon I'll have to start taking off a few of the inner/lower fan leaves to assure there is no contact moisture building up. This time around I will however not do it with scissors or a scalpel but use my fingers and take the leaves off as close to the branch as possible so there is no way they could become a mould starting point.
Here is the obligatory image:
View attachment 691836
That's what 600+ seeds look like.
The glass vial is my long term storage, the plastic baggies for the rest. If you're wondering about the orange stuff: That's Silica Gel, a desiccant to keep them dry.

Stored in a cool (4°c) and dark (no uv radiation) place like this they can stay viable for a decade.
Here is the obligatory image:
View attachment 691836
That's what 600+ seeds look like.
The glass vial is my long term storage, the plastic baggies for the rest. If you're wondering about the orange stuff: That's Silica Gel, a desiccant to keep them dry.

Stored in a cool (4°c) and dark (no uv radiation) place like this they can stay viable for a decade.
The somango has a great structure. Building some serious buds!
Oh yeah they are quite top heavy, more on the Somangos down below today

Thx :)

Somangos Day 86: I took these pictures before I started defoliating the first plant. This is the last mayor procedure until harvest time. Once they have stopped stretching and started packing on the weight for a few weeks I go in and take off the leaves. On one of them. I did the same thing between Jack and Baby with as of yet inconclusive results so I am going to reproduce it with the Somangos.

This is to test A) the new method of removing foliage and it's effects on mould "infections" and B) does it improve overall yield without reducing density of apical bud structures?

You'll see the newly defoliated plant in the next update. After all, we learned not so long ago that you can defoliate cannabis without problems if you do it in stages (So it's going to take a few days).

I think the Somangos will be a good representation because of their enormous leaves.

Jack Junior Day 27: I defoliated Jackie a bit to encourage the branches to grow. I also topped her above node 4. You can also see the super professional job I did wiring the little babies so they don't fall over :p

Babies Day 6: Taking only the fastest growing sprouts also has some draw-backs, like the fact that they grow so vigorously, they need crutches.
Nice crutches!

Do you mind talking about the jacks 321here? Im tryn to learn and really appreciate your help
Nice crutches!

Do you mind talking about the jacks 321here? Im tryn to learn and really appreciate your help

Lol thx
Sure can. If you want to use my way of fertilizing may I also suggest the rest of the regiment: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/jack-herer-first-time-grow.55581/page-7#post-1241348
After that the fertilizers topic may be of interest: https://www.autoflower.org/threads/jack-herer-first-time-grow.55581/page-8#post-1243539

TLDR: I use substrates without ANY life or anything in it. I can even grow in styrofoam. Sounds like an exaggeration for effect; Isn't.
Water every day, with full ferts till you get runoff and you can never lockout or salt-to-death your plants.

I could talk about this for hours so in the interest of other people's sanity, do you have any specific questions?