Alright I took off the first 2 nodal shoots and topped above the 4th. Meaning I have 4 branches total left which should be a good option for sts. The lower two are gonna be treated with the solution, the upper 2 will remain female. I did leave all the leaves on.

So i guess it's time to make some sts solution and do the first treatment on baby.. hopefully without frying the leaves.

One of the Somangos fell over during the night and now it's leaves are bent out of shape. Not from lying wrong, they were fine when I re-erected it but now hours later it looks a little wilty. Cross your fingers for me.

Baby Day 29:
Today was chemistry day for me and my Baby. As I said earlier, I did top it and take off all but 4 shoots; And today I mixed the silver thiosulphate solution for the lower 2 branches. Was a bit of a pain to spray them without spraying myself in the eyes too but I did manage.

Jack Day 57: Jack is indeed going into flower now. The first time I did the "day of darkness" was apparently too early. This time it did work though. Plus I switched the light spectrum to a more red one. thx for the tip @Eyeoftheworld
I am so tempted to spray this one too and turn a branch of it male to make sure I get some of those long veg time genetics for later but that would make it unsmokable.. and I'll just hope for similar genetics in the other seeds. Imagine if I had my proper fertilizer and lights dialled in from the start of the grow with that veg time...

Somango Day 11: The one who's root I didn't break off when planting the seed is doing quite well. The other one. Well the other one is growing too.
Baby Day 29: Today was chemistry day for me and my Baby. As I said earlier, I did top it and take off all but 4 shoots; And today I mixed the silver thiosulphate solution for the lower 2 branches. Was a bit of a pain to spray them without spraying myself in the eyes too but I did manage.
View attachment 663760

Jack Day 57: Jack is indeed going into flower now. The first time I did the "day of darkness" was apparently too early. This time it did work though. Plus I switched the light spectrum to a more red one. thx for the tip @Eyeoftheworld
I am so tempted to spray this one too and turn a branch of it male to make sure I get some of those long veg time genetics for later but that would make it unsmokable.. and I'll just hope for similar genetics in the other seeds. Imagine if I had my proper fertilizer and lights dialled in from the start of the grow with that veg time...
View attachment 663759

Somango Day 11: The one who's root I didn't break off when planting the seed is doing quite well. The other one. Well the other one is growing too.
View attachment 663758
She'll flower and build buds super fast hopefully! Will be fun to watch!!
She'll flower and build buds super fast hopefully! Will be fun to watch!!
Oh yeah but first she's going to grow.. hard


Jack Day 60: And I mean hard. She's growing quite rapidly at the moment and doesn't appear to want to stop. I took off a good bunch of foliage from the bottom two days ago, mostly tiny branches that weren't ever going to see direct light and some leaves.

Finally though she's flowering. After two months of waiting :woohoo: (don't mind the out of focus part)

Baby Day 33: After the cutbacks the top two branches are growing rapidly. The lower two branches were treated with STS solution and have since doing that slowed down a LOT. They are however growing fast enough to have outgrown the treatment so I might have to move up my timeTable on the next one by a few days. The solution strength is juuuust at the border to damaging them without doing to much harm

Somango Day 15: Here's the bigger one of the two. They are still a little palmy but that's a good thing for watering later in life. I can't wait until they grow up enough to mainline them.

@budelee I've read different approaches (top and cut when at 5 nodes, at 3 nodes, use the first and repeat). Which approach have you found to be working best?
Ahhh,okay in that case i would top at the 4th or 5th node,that part is not so important cause you will strip everything below the topping as well,this will leave just two branches,,it all starts from there,top two more time for 8 colas,a third topping would give 16 colas but i havent pushed em that far ..the key is watching and knowing when they are ready so they are not wasting energy on growth that will be cut off anyway..for the most part,all toppings can be done by day 20-25 which will put them at the rapid growth phase and they will grow like crazy..i also defoliated the lowers on my mainline plant,but that comes way later..also there was a few side branches i let grow cause they were on the inside of the cage where they had plenty of light and air planning another mainline project with 6 plants,different breeders,so i can evaluate how they handle extreme HST tip ( not scientifically proven) is I use a foliar feed with extra "B" nutrient to help reduce stress,it is Mad Farmer Be One added to the Optic Foliar feed.. @Druid
Ahhh,okay in that case i would top at the 4th or 5th node,that part is not so important cause you will strip everything below the topping as well,this will leave just two branches,,it all starts from there,top two more time for 8 colas,a third topping would give 16 colas but i havent pushed em that far ..the key is watching and knowing when they are ready so they are not wasting energy on growth that will be cut off anyway..for the most part,all toppings can be done by day 20-25 which will put them at the rapid growth phase and they will grow like crazy..i also defoliated the lowers on my mainline plant,but that comes way later..also there was a few side branches i let grow cause they were on the inside of the cage where they had plenty of light and air planning another mainline project with 6 plants,different breeders,so i can evaluate how they handle extreme HST tip ( not scientifically proven) is I use a foliar feed with extra "B" nutrient to help reduce stress,it is Mad Farmer Be One added to the Optic Foliar feed.. @Druid
I'll do my best to follow that; I'm already feeding the foliar way, in a fashion; I just rain the nutrient solution all over from the top :D

It's crazy how fast STS works. Just now I've been applying a dose to the newly grown nodes and could already see little nodules forming on the nodes I sprayed Saturday. But ooooh boy do they not like that silver spray. I am getting curled leaves and signs of deficiencies on the branches I treated.
I'll do my best to follow that; I'm already feeding the foliar way, in a fashion; I just rain the nutrient solution all over from the top :D

It's crazy how fast STS works. Just now I've been applying a dose to the newly grown nodes and could already see little nodules forming on the nodes I sprayed Saturday. But ooooh boy do they not like that silver spray. I am getting curled leaves and signs of deficiencies on the branches I treated.
?? You trying to make fem seeds ??