Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.


That's some sexy looking toolage there U! Doesn't look like you use 'em much either!

What's your address again?[emoji23]

I've only used the drill and the driver.

The saws don't know what a blade looks like.

They're booked in for some diy duty next week, if things return to some sort of normality soon(got it is old and itisher in hospital. 2 different hospitals, one in London and one in kent!)

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

I've only used the drill and the driver.

The saws don't know what a blade looks like.

They're booked in for some diy duty next week, if things return to some sort of normality soon(got it is old and itisher in hospital. 2 different hospitals, one in London and one in kent!)

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

Aww no man.. Hope ya gettem fixed soon.. There's something in the air ATM mate.. It's all gone nips up here too.

Full moon and thunderstorms... I tell ya. [emoji51]

I do hope you got more than one battery with that lot! [emoji6]
Aww no man.. Hope ya gettem fixed soon.. There's something in the air ATM mate.. It's all gone nips up here too.

Full moon and thunderstorms... I tell ya. [emoji51]

I do hope you got more than one battery with that lot! [emoji6]

Mate. The charger is like a mixing desk.

It's that time of year, change in the weather fuck people up.

Fucking hospital where itisold is wanted to discharge her, she couldn't even sort herself out going the toilet, I mean I'm fond of the old girl but I can't sort out a dusty old muff and as for no2, I'm not even sure where her arse hole is!

She's still a bit weak, but I know how to gee the stubborn old so and so up. Told her if she can't shit on the commode she ain't coming home. She was up out of bed today for the first time in nearly 3 weeks.

Hope you get your probs sorted.
Haha! (In a nice way)

Big shout to Itisold.. Sounds like she's on the mend bud.. And what of Itisher?

Ya wanna know what's happened here? It'll take ages to type but it's a rich tapestry of deception and insanity! [emoji51]

Itisher had a shoulder op last weekend and may need another on Saturday, she fightened the shit out of me day before yesterday, went into clinical shock, seriously thought she was a goner. Took her back up hospital stuck a bag of fluids through her, jobs a good Un. I told her, a Fucking big fuss and she was basically thirsty!

Anyway, ears pinned back ,vape warming, cold stella opened. Get typing my man.
Itisher had a shoulder op last weekend and may need another on Saturday, she fightened the shit out of me day before yesterday, went into clinical shock, seriously thought she was a goner. Took her back up hospital stuck a bag of fluids through her, jobs a good Un. I told her, a Fucking big fuss and she was basically thirsty!

Anyway, ears pinned back ,vape warming, cold stella opened. Get typing my man.

Sounds like a cue for a good drink!

Get well soon Mrs U. [emoji8]

Righto.. Get this! It's like Jeremy Kyle meets Eastenders...

It was the eve of my niece's 21st birthday when my sis in law (Mrs Vlad's sister) decided to announce to her husband that she's been having an affair with a married man.

Her husband went ape shit, got really pissed and tried to grab her face, missed and smashed his own head in on the bedside table. He carried on going ape shit so she phoned the rozzerz and he got banged up for the night.

Naturally, niece's 21st was ruined but later the next day he got out of jail and went home. It kicked off again so he went to stay with a friend.

Then yesterday morning, the wife's sister (the one who had the affair) texted Mrs V saying she was gonna kill herself so Mrs V jumped in the Vladmobile with lil Vlad to rush to the rescue. Went there.. She wasn't in.

She'd gone to her husband's work to tell him she was gonna kill herself and driven off to do it.

Niece Vlad knew Vlad in law's iCloud password so.. the police tracked her by her iPhone location and found her in some woods.. They got her back and straight to th'ospital which pretty much told her to go away!

So.. She's been under constant family supervision, I think she'll be ok, husband's pissed off big time but willing to listen cos he realises how serious it all is, then drops into the conversation that he's got testicular cancer. He's had one lump removed already but has a new one that he's not interested in getting fixed.

It's a bit of a mess TBH..

Oh and the wife of the bloke she had an affair with keeps texting everyone cos she's not happy either.. No surprise there.. [emoji849]

Mrs V's sis has had some horrible stuff going on the last few years.. I fink she's gone a bit bonkers. [emoji51]

There ya go... I was dying to tell somebody! [emoji15]