Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.


The following may be useful to somebody.

Clearing out the van to give back and found a light meter, I think the pics are self explanatory. The light is on grow only.





Today is grey and overcast and scores 16 klx.

Don't forget he led is selected light bands, so the toral klx comparison to sunlight is worthless.

But as a comparative for light distancing, itS OK.
If you slightly tilt the glass pipe you can get a good blast and I don't grind any buds just break off a small peice of bud and your good to go

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk

Thats how I used to use it, I got the extra flow tubes as well, but the mighty is so good I don't use the solo.

I think they're easier to take to if you don't smoke tobacco.
I have only had one grow. Their pack of everything under 100 bucks seem like a good place to start. They worked out for us to learn how to grow.