Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Can't beat the ol' paper towel method U, like you say you can see everything.. or maybe nothing. At least you'll know!

Sounds like you got a pile of shit seeds there mate.. Ya can't really fuck up germination can ye? I've never had a problem.. If the pips are good then they work! They deffo pop quicker if they're warm tho from my experience, I've noticed a massive difference since my airing cupboard became just a cupboard.. It's gone from 24hrs to 3-4 days.

Maybe get Itisher to stick em in a pellet when they've got a leg.. Unless she has banana hands too!? [emoji38][emoji1371][emoji529]
I've always had 100% germ rate in the past.

1st time I had probs was with autos, I read they are tough so I soak them till they sink before I sow them.

Out of the pineapple x all 5 were started at once, 3 popped 2 didn't.

The other 2 have been freebies, they're free for a reason maybe.

Itisher has small hands, this is good for 2 reasons.

1. It makes my old fella look bigger.

2. It means the clumsy c@#t can't big anything big up and break it![emoji23]

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I've always had 100% germ rate in the past.

1st time I had probs was with autos, I read they are tough so I soak them till they sink before I sow them.

Out of the pineapple x all 5 were started at once, 3 popped 2 didn't.

The other 2 have been freebies, they're free for a reason maybe.

Itisher has small hands, this is good for 2 reasons.

1. It makes my old fella look bigger.

2. It means the clumsy c@#t can't big anything big up and break it![emoji23]

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Hehe.. Yeah, it's a bit more than annoying when you've paid a tenner (or whatever) a seed and they don't work tho eh? [emoji35]
I couldn't believe how loud the air stone was!

This thing silent? Other than the bubbles obviously!

The shit we do to grow a bit of weed and keep the old woman happy!

I've had to spend a fortune on an automatic fire extinguisher as a condition of expanding my grow!

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man it was loud sounded like something out of an old tarzen film tried allsorts of different air stones they just used to vibrate on the bottom of my resses also try sitting your Wilma on some dense foam absorb some of the vibration ive got my bubble bucket on it and both my air pumps wife hasn't moaned once always a good thing :smoking:
man it was loud sounded like something out of an old tarzen film tried allsorts of different air stones they just used to vibrate on the bottom of my resses also try sitting your Wilma on some dense foam absorb some of the vibration ive got my bubble bucket on it and both my air pumps wife hasn't moaned once always a good thing :smoking:

Got some underlay that'll be ideal, it's the proper stupidly expensive stuff. Real chop 3" off your door stuff.
man it was loud sounded like something out of an old tarzen film tried allsorts of different air stones they just used to vibrate on the bottom of my resses also try sitting your Wilma on some dense foam absorb some of the vibration ive got my bubble bucket on it and both my air pumps wife hasn't moaned once always a good thing :smoking:

It's my experience that a moaning woman is a good thing. A nagging woman is the thing to avoid.
Oi @witchyhour can you send me a link to that ^ thing please.
I can't seem to open Amazon on a browser window right now, but just go to and search for MiracleGro Aerogarden. While I don't think it's necessary, I do like it quite a bit. Just keep it by a sink and it will do all the legwork for you. Just make sure you remove seedlings from the plastic holder before the roots get tangled all over it. You never need to touch the roots, or anything. Just move the whole thing to the bucket when it's strong enough.


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Wasn't sure if it went, bloody Internet.

It was for the diffuser advice which was exactly the advice I was looking for.

Did you mention where you get them in your and sang thread? I'll have a look when the nets back up.

I don't have a major issue germination seeds (normally), just like the look of the aero garden thing for ease of starting and transferring into my system.

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Sometimes it's just bad seeds, remember my 4 Red Poisons that never germinated...

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