Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.


A quick update.

Soz for not keeping up this week. Had decoratiuos.

The ceiling has been repaired and new loft hatch and ladder fitted.

Plants (Soz about quality, battery was low),

^ ultra lemon haze!

What a twat! At some point in the week I took humidity dome off to have a look and forgot to replace it, she fried.

The pot she was destined for will now be occupied by this spare cut of the what-a-fecking-liberty haze, a new auto will be started in a few weeks when the 1st wafl haze is harvested.



The Jessie plant, I really ballsed her up, I'd pull her if I hadn't told itisher she was a homage plant.

The cut. She'll be flipped in a couple of weeks or so when I harvest her mother.

Gonna grab a shower and a hot tub now, my back is in pieces.

Waffle haze! New strain name.[emoji1360]

Need any painting tips U, I'm yer man.. Ten years in the game, man and boy! It's been a while tho but it's like learning to ermmm... piss? [emoji6]

Shame about the Ultra mate, you got any more of those seeds?
They used to do black cat air bombs too that were like a rocket. The first one we lit was stuck straight in the ground. As soon as the rocket fired and it went nowhere we just started running for our lives [emoji23] [emoji23] ended up getting chased across this field by a load of colours. The boom was intense lol That's when we got the dog shit bin idea [emoji23] [emoji23]
Ha ha yeah and phone box ect little counts weren't we all lol
Waffle haze! New strain name.[emoji1360]

Need any painting tips U, I'm yer man.. Ten years in the game, man and boy! It's been a while tho but it's like learning to ermmm... piss? [emoji6]

Shame about the Ultra mate, you got any more of those seeds?

Cheers. Still at the knocking-shit-down stage, itisher does all the painting except ceilings (I do) and doors and frames (they get ignored). The problem I've had this week is other stuff breaking and stealing my time. Had to fix the hoover and the wachine machine, trying to fix fiddly little stuff with fruit for fingers! (Dyson is a cun7! 2 motors in one hoover!? Just why?)

Dropped another ulh seed into soak.
Cheers. Still at the knocking-shit-down stage, itisher does all the painting except ceilings (I do) and doors and frames (they get ignored). The problem I've had this week is other stuff breaking and stealing my time. Had to fix the hoover and the wachine machine, trying to fix fiddly little stuff with fruit for fingers! (Dyson is a cun7! 2 motors in one hoover!? Just why?)

Dropped another ulh seed into soak.

Dyson? What is this the 90s?

I bought my missus a G-tech air ram FOR XMAS! No shit! She was so pleased to get a new vacuum cleaner... Most women would punch you in the face for that eh?

Genuinely said its the best present ever! I was sweating as she unwrapped it.

Other presents include a washing line prop for her birthday and an ironing board for Valentine's! They didn't go down quite as well. [emoji38]
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