Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Aww... Are you a bit happier with her now since the bondage?

Bondage can be good for relationships (so I've heard!) [emoji85]

Time will tell vladsta.

She's on 12/12 under a scrog net, the roots are playing catch up still. But she's bushy as feck.

If she's a winner I'll have a cut ready.

If it turns out rubbish tho, will you be able to throw out a healthy plant of your own creation? [emoji848]

This is where I've struggled with clones in the past! [emoji38]


But Itispal is setting up a grow after her holiday next month so would be glad of anything for her first grow.

With the herbage, I'm a pro lifer!
it's hard to see loved ones go down hill. I'm sure ItisOld really appreciates being at home surrounded by her loved ones, even if she gets crotchety. Hopefully you can slip some potent canna oil into something she likes to help the morphine a bit. May she rest easy.
Ta for the positive comments gang.

So far, so good. Hoping for a decent harvest.

Anywho. Bought a Dabstorm pen and fyo kit.
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Made up some unflavoured canna juice and it works!

Gonna get some flavour concentrate to mask the smell. Now we can vape in public ( our weed vape are very obviously weed vape).
That's awesome! Wow! I wanna make pot juice and vape it in public, too! [emoji16]

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