Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

It was an anniversary gift from me and itisher to ourselves.

I was disappointed when I opened the box, but that feeling went as soon as I tried it.

There's some sort of patent for the way it works, no doubt there's cheaper versions out there.

All the vapes I've tried that do what they're supposed to are expensive, it's reasonibly new tech. I remember buying a video recorder and it was a month wages, you couldn't give it away now!

It gets at least 8 hrs use every day and never let's me down, in this world, that is priceless.
You get what you pay for dude buy cheap buy twice [emoji106]

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You get what you pay for dude buy cheap buy twice [emoji106]

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You know Wile, as I get older, the truer that statement becomes. Miller and carter over hungry horse.

Stella over bier de franc (actually, my own urine over bier de franc).

Pay for view over pornhub.

Etc etc
You know Wile, as I get older, the truer that statement becomes. Miller and carter over hungry horse.

Stella over bier de franc (actually, my own urine over bier de franc).

Pay for view over pornhub.

Etc etc
preaching to the converted (that's why I spent £1200 on new LEDS)I'm the same with my fishing gear cant afford the really top of the range tackle but I get the next best thing cost me a fortune but I only buy once lesson long since learned and if you cant spend your hard earned cash on what makes you happy whats the point :smoking:
preaching to the converted (that's why I spent £1200 on new LEDS)I'm the same with my fishing gear cant afford the really top of the range tackle but I get the next best thing cost me a fortune but I only buy once lesson long since learned and if you cant spend your hard earned cash on what makes you happy whats the point :smoking:
Wife's cousins buys his rods from the states. Mind you, had his mug shot in the fishy mags a few times, got a record perch or some shit. Dunno, my fishing trips were an excuse to get mashed, didnt own a rod!

it is isn't it?
Wife's cousins buys his rods from the states. Mind you, had his mug shot in the fishy mags a few times, got a record perch or some shit. Dunno, my fishing trips were an excuse to get mashed, didnt own a rod!

it is isn't it?
I thought that's what fishing trips were for I go for 3 days at a time and take about an ounce of bud with me and see how much I can smoke 72 hours may be a bottle of jd or vodka got that wrecked last time my mate caught two fish on my rods while I was snoring my box off [emoji1]

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I thought that's what fishing trips were for I go for 3 days at a time and take about an ounce of bud with me and see how much I can smoke 72 hours may be a bottle of jd or vodka got that wrecked last time my mate caught two fish on my rods while I was snoring my box off [emoji1]

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Fuck. I so don't wanna get old (er)!

Itisher is tending to itisold. She has shit her self and whilst itisher is trying to change her itisold is puking.

I'm being very useful by standing outside the patio doors gagging like an apprentice hooker!
Fuck. I so don't wanna get old (er)!

Itisher is tending to itisold. She has shit her self and whilst itisher is trying to change her itisold is puking.

I'm being very useful by standing outside the patio doors gagging like an apprentice hooker!
Oh mate I'm like that when the kids get the shits I don't know how the wife does it I'm like you dry heaving in the back while she cleans up guess I'm just here to look pretty [emoji108]

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