Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Not so good mate.

It's amazing how quickly things have changed.

6 weeks ago she could get around on her own, read, watch tele and chatted.

Now she's bed bound,has to wear nappies, lost interest in everything and is confused most of the time.

She's given up,she keeps saying 'why can't I just die'. in a more caring society she'd maybe have that choice.

Fucking tragic mate.

Nightmare. My mum always says if she ever get to that stage, she wants us to leave a bottle of pills by her bed. I've been stockpiling disco biscuits since the '90s to send her out on a high! [emoji6]
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Ph pen busted yesterday, Res change day, so improvised with the hot tub test kit. Fingers crossed.

Killed another seed! Are you supposed to scrub the paint of the coloured seeds? Never used them before.
Oh, man! It was seed killing day, I guess. I killed one, too. :(

But your baby is looking great! And that other tent is about to explode! So full of goodness! :)

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Not so good mate.

It's amazing how quickly things have changed.

6 weeks ago she could get around on her own, read, watch tele and chatted.

Now she's bed bound,has to wear nappies, lost interest in everything and is confused most of the time.

She's given up,she keeps saying 'why can't I just die'. in a more caring society she'd maybe have that choice.

Fucking tragic mate.
I'm so sorry to hear. :(

And you're right, no one should have the right to deny us a more humane and dignified way to die.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Nightmare. My mum always says if she ever get to that stage, she wants us to leave a bottle of pills by her bed. I've been stockpiling disco biscuits since the '90s to send her out on a high! [emoji6]
We should be like cats! They usually start getting sick and die within a week. The longest I've seen is a month.

My great grandma died at 97, but for the last 2 to 3 years, she was blind, deaf and very confused, feeling sick on a bed. It must have been horrible for her to be in complete darkness all that time, without knowing what was happening or recognizing the people around her. It's very sad and awful. :(

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
I'm so sorry to hear. :(

And you're right, no one should have the right to deny us a more humane and dignified way to die.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

If we kept one of the dogs like it, they'd lock us up.

But when do you make that choice? She laughs every day ( itisher is funny), but she also has strangers cleaning her privates everyday.

As I get older I'm more and more bemused at how my body constantly finds unusual and disgusting ways to let me down.

In other news,a local barber had been arrested for selling drugs! I've been a customer of his for years and didn't even know he was a barber! Boom boom.
We should be like cats! They usually start getting sick and die within a week. The longest I've seen is a month.

My great grandma died at 97, but for the last 2 to 3 years, she was blind, deaf and very confused, feeling sick on a bed. It must have been horrible for her to be in complete darkness all that time, without knowing what was happening or recognizing the people around her. It's very sad and awful. :(

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

No way could I handle that.
Not so good mate.

It's amazing how quickly things have changed.

6 weeks ago she could get around on her own, read, watch tele and chatted.

Now she's bed bound,has to wear nappies, lost interest in everything and is confused most of the time.

She's given up,she keeps saying 'why can't I just die'. in a more caring society she'd maybe have that choice.

Fucking tragic mate.
All my best wishes bro my old grandfather got like that with dementia it's very heartbreaking
If we kept one of the dogs like it, they'd lock us up.

But when do you make that choice? She laughs every day ( itisher is funny), but she also has strangers cleaning her privates everyday.

As I get older I'm more and more bemused at how my body constantly finds unusual and disgusting ways to let me down.

In other news,a local barber had been arrested for selling drugs! I've been a customer of his for years and didn't even know he was a barber! Boom boom.

Hehe.. (About the 2nd bit!)[emoji2]

Hey U...

I fell asleep at a house party the other night and somebody put a tea bag in my mouth.

I went fucking mental..

Nobody treats me like a mug.