Indoor Iriee Vibez True Living Organic Gorilla Glue Battle ------ Autoseeds vs. Fast Buds

water only in an ideal world and all that :zen: but most organic growers,will use a tea,or mulch,or some kind of tweek :smokeit:some have a lil clover cover i think thats what its called :thumbsup:
water only in an ideal world and all that :zen: but most organic growers,will use a tea,or mulch,or some kind of tweek :smokeit:some have a lil clover cover i think thats what its called :thumbsup:

Yup. This what I found. The living soil company tells you water only, and it can produce good results, but if you are wanting to maximize yield and flavors, you need to feed the soil at some point, in some manner. Some folks use top dressing as you noted, some use spikes, but most use teas because it gets the stuff to the soil in the most usable form. I read two books that really helped me get ready for this organic journey:

Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfeld and True Living Organics by the Rev

Both great reads for anyone considering organic gardening. You hear that, @davisgirl ?
You're speaking my language. I've been looking at teas for cloning and foliar lol. Plants look great.

Thanks Damien. I wonder why I have never looked into teas before. The information out there is compelling! Oh well... better late than never, I guess!
Thanks Damien. I wonder why I have never looked into teas before. The information out there is compelling! Oh well... better late than never, I guess!

I think because a lot of stoners didn't cross over from agriculture or plant sciences so a level of mysticism has always existed around teas. I get interested in organics when it saves me money plus the stuff stretches beyond bottles additives.

The vegan thing with MC needs to be explained to me but your tea ingredients were everything I had contemplated buying after I saw a brew bag on Amazon. I'm not sold on organics or hydro vs outdoor yet to lean any way except cheap lol.

I'm excited to watch what the tea possibly does for you.
I think because a lot of stoners didn't cross over from agriculture or plant sciences so a level of mysticism has always existed around teas. I get interested in organics when it saves me money plus the stuff stretches beyond bottles additives.

The vegan thing with MC needs to be explained to me but your tea ingredients were everything I had contemplated buying after I saw a brew bag on Amazon. I'm not sold on organics or hydro vs outdoor yet to lean any way except cheap lol.

I'm excited to watch what the tea possibly does for you.

Good point about stoners not being familiar with agriculture and gardening. That was my issue. Come to find out that compost teas have been benefitting famers crops for years. The stuff I mentioned are really cheap, and some stuff you only use a teaspoon for 5 gallons! Will last a long long time. The soil is reusable also, and just gets better with time. I think this method may turn out to be more cost effective, using less time , and producing hopefully better results than I was getting with DWC. We will see, however.
Well, you know me. I have to be doing something with these plants. So hard to just take pictures, and wait. So, I decided to brew a compost tea! I have been doing a fair amount of research on true organic growing and from everything I have read, a good compost tea can only help the soil, and therefore the plants will respond accordingly.

I am brewing up a batch with TeaLab's compost, alfalfa meal, fish powder, high nitrogen bat guano, earthworm castings, with a little kelp meal and humid acid added in after brew. I put all in my new brew bag with pump and aerator going, and let it go for 24-36 hours.

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This is some pungent stuff with the fish and various types of shit! Lol! However, they say the smell will dissipate as everything mixes during brewing. If the plants respond to the enriched soil like they say, it will all be worth it.

I will dilute 50/50 and use as root drench, as if I was giving them a regular watering. I will also use as foliar spray with a bit more dilution. I understand spraying the leaves helps with disease control and general leaf health. All good stuff, as far as I am concerned. I will let you know how the plants respond in a couple days.

Here are the before pictures. I will share some pics a couple days after feeding the pots with the tea enhanced water.

AS1 at Day 16

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AS2 at Day 15

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FB at Dat 9

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I will update in a few days. I will give the tea a chance to work its magic.

Happy growing ya'll!
They look very good and I love your topping skills. When do you like to top them like what node? I wish was better in the first 14 days I always seem to get off to a slow start. You set the inspirations high!
They look very good and I love your topping skills. When do you like to top them like what node? I wish was better in the first 14 days I always seem to get off to a slow start. You set the inspirations high!

Thanks FA! I always try to top after the fourth node, whenever it gets there. Hey man, I would take a slow start every time, every my plants finish like that CDLC you got there!
I hear that Iriee! Thanks for the tag. Subbed!
Day19 Autoseeds
Day 7 FastBuds

The plants really seemed to love the compost tea. They look happy. I just topped the Fast Buds GG at Day 12, which is when I topped the two Autoseeds GG.

AS1 is growing a bit more vertically than AS2. Whereas AS2 seems to be training herself as she is growing flat and wide, seemingly timing her own stems down. I doubt I will be training past this topping, relying instead on leaf tucking and defoliation to open up the bud sites. With me squeezing three plants in the aspace, I can't have them be too wide. I have more vertical room.

I am a believer in compost tea, and plan to give them just two more feedings. Once at the beginning of flower, and then during mid flower.


GG Day 19 and Day 12 - 6.jpg
GG Day 19 and Day 12 - 1.jpg


GG Day 19 and Day 12 - 3.jpg

GG Day 19 and Day 12 - 4.jpg


GG Day 19 and Day 12 - 2.jpg
GG Day 19 and Day 12 - 5.jpg

I am pretty happy with the start to this grow. The organic soil and compost seems to have to plants doing as well as any I have grown in DWC at this stage. I am both suprised and happy with that!

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